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    7 Life-Changing Ways To Upgrade Your Life This Month

    A great recipe, the case for vacuuming daily, and more!

    Hello, friends! As we head into the last month of 2017, here are a bunch of little things you can do to live your best, coziest life.

    1. Make yourself this quick pasta and chickpeas.

    2. Vacuum every single day. (Or, like, most days.)

    3. Delete any social media apps that aren't really serving you from your phone (or at least move them off your main screen) and replace them with a reading app or audiobook app.

    4. If you have a smart plug, use it for your Christmas tree.

    5. Take the time to thoroughly dry your hands after you wash them.

    6. Actually set out your outfit for the next day the night before.

    7. If you're throwing a party or hosting a holiday gathering for a group, get fancy ice.

    That's all! Now get out there and make it a great month!