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    28 Reasons Why 20-Somethings Should Drop Everything And Backpack Australia

    Warning: You're not gonna want to leave.

    1. First of all, it's ridiculously easy for 20-somethings to live and work in the wonderful country of Australia.

    2. Seriously. Pretty much all you have to do is have a passport and be in your twenties.

    3. Just go to this website, fill out a couple forms, and you're set.

    4. After that's done you can legally work and travel all around Australia for TWO WHOLE YEARS.

    5. Once you get there, you can easily find a job and make a solid amount of cash doing it, because minimum wage is nearly $18.

    6. Save up that Aussie dough for when you get back home, OR use it to travel around lovely Australia.

    7. It's easy and relatively inexpensive to travel around Australia once you're there.

    8. Australia is very friendly and accommodating for young travelers and backpackers.

    9. There are some pretty cool hostels to stay in for around $30 a night where you can meet fellow travelers.

    10. Therefore, you will meet HEAPS of new friends your age from all around the world.

    11. Not to mention, those Aussies are HOT.


    13. Probably because everyone's outdoors and active all the time.

    14. They speak English there, so it's a way to travel and experience a new place and culture without being too intimidated.

    15. The long flight really isn't that bad at all.

    16. Australia is huge (about the same size as the US) so you will most definitely NOT run out of things to see during your time there.

    17. Like the curves and colors of the Great Ocean Road.

    18. Or the splendor of the Sydney Opera House.

    19. Or the lights and laneways of Melbourne.

    20. Or the Gold Coast, which is known for it's world-class surfing.

    21. Or Byron Bay, the hippie haven and backpacker town with an awesome live music scene.

    22. Or The Great Barrier Reef, one of the world's natural wonders.

    23. The beaches are insanely beautiful.

    24. It's a safe, friendly, peaceful place.

    25. The music scene is seriously awesome.

    26. You can eat pretty cheaply if you frequent the markets.

    27. But when you feel like splurging, the food is incredible.

    28. Australia will give you that adventure you're looking for, all while giving you a greater appreciation for where you come from.