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    You’re Going To Be Absolutely Floored After Checking Out These 48 Clever Life Hack Products

    Imagine being able to parallel park without any hassle...well, with this blind-spot mirror you can — #jawdropped.

    1. hands-free (rotating!) phone mount to watch your downloaded movies or shows on the plane without having to struggle to prop your phone up. You can mount it onto the seat-back tray — or even your carry-on when you arrive at the gate two hours early and need some entertainment!

    A phone mounted to the back of an airplane tray table
    Phone mounted on a carry on luggage handle and a chair arm

    Perilogics is a small business creating hyper-functional tool holsters and bags for carrying your stuff on-the-go.  

    Promising review: "I bought this nifty gadget about six months ago for a multi-leg, ultra-long-haul trip, and it more than held up the entire duration. I was able to finagle it to fit the tray tables on different planes, and like others, I find the height just nice when clamped onto a stowed tray table. It also works on my roller carry-on handle during layovers. However, I find myself using it a lot outside of travel too! Work-wise, I've clamped it onto my office desk shelving to hold my phone at eye level beside my computer. At home, I simply clamped it to a deck of cards, and it turns into a versatile stand that I can place on any flat surface. Heck, I've been using it to hold my phone comfortably at eye level while watching videos in bed. It's extremely well built, and I find myself fidgeting with it all the time." —Earendil

    Get it from Amazon for $12.29 (available in four colors and in two-packs).

    2. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner, because even though you can't *see* your week-old pasta, that doesn't mean it's not still down thereJust insert one of these packets, let the water run, and turn on the disposal — it'll basically start self-cleaning so you don't have to reach down there and do it yourself, *ick*. Once you see the bath bomb-like blue fizz, the job is done, and your sink will be free from the smelly, backed-up gunk.

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica House

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    3. A set of water-absorbent wristbands to prevent water from dripping down your arms (*cringes in wet sleeves*) and pooling up by your feet as you're washing your face over the sink. Now you won't have to change PJs every time you do your skincare routine. 

    Promising reviews: "I got so frustrated when I went to wash off my makeup at night and water rolled down to my elbow and got the sink/floor wet. I saw somebody with something similar and knew I needed these. I love them." —Anissa

    "Love these! Never been happier to wash my face in my life. I absolutely hate water running down my arms and these are perfect for this issue and have been! I’m also plus size and have had no issue putting these on. Love the colors too!" —Vivian

    Get a four-pair set from Amazon for $9.98+ (available in seven color combinations).

    4. A genius set of heel caps so your stilettos will no longer fall victim to gravel, dirt, and grass. Plus, reviewers say these help keep them stable while walking — this one's for all the clumsy folks out there!

    A pair of sparkly high-heeled shoes with heel protectors
    heel stoppers on white heels

    Promising review: "I just tried these last weekend at an outdoor wedding with an indoor reception. They were amazing! I kept them on all night. First, I walked outside in thick grass, and the wedding photos were taken in a mushy grassy area. I didn't sink even a little bit. It was fantastic. My heels were fabulous. I then decided to leave them on for the rest of the night since they made my heels more stable and comfortable. So glad I tried them. I was showing them off to the other ladies, and everyone loved the look of them." —J L D

    Get a pair on Amazon for $11.99 (available in four sizes).

    5. A car cup holder extender because it's all fun and games until you hear a *THUD* as your precious Hydro Flask goes from the passenger seat to the floor. Not to fret — this savior will keep your bottle within arm's reach and safely secured, because it'll actually fit in the cup holder! 

    Promising review: "I have a giant 40-ounce Owala stainless steel bottle and a giant stainless steel Stanley brand coffee mug that fit beautifully in this cup holder extender! Now, my bottle isn't rolling around on the floor or all the way in the backseat where I can't reach it. I can actually enjoy drinking my coffee again instead of sealing it up and waiting until I get to work to drink it. It's expensive, but it's well-made and easy to put together." —Vixxm

    Get it from Amazon for $26.99+ (available in three sizes and two colors). 

    6. A strainer that attaches to any pot so you don't have to ~strain~ your arms holding up a colander. Plus, no pasta will be a flight risk and end up in the sink.

    The strainer attached to a pot, which allows the water to drain while keeping pasta in place

    It's made of flexible silicone and designed to fit most pots and pans.

    Promising review: "Years ago, I had a pot strainer that worked well. When it finally broke, I bought several other versions, and NONE of them fit well. I ended up getting a large bowl-style strainer, which worked but took up valuable cabinet space. This clip-on silicone strainer is amazing! It fits every pot in my cabinet, keeping food in and letting the water or grease out. Plus, it frees up valuable cabinet space. I highly recommend it!" —Amazon Customernone

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99 (available in six colors).

    7. Some seamless bra liners because everyone with boobs knows the struggle of the perspiration that happens down there. This bb, savior, godsend — whatever you'd like to call it — absorbs sweat *and* cushions the underwire so it doesn't dig into your skin. That's what I call a twofer! 

    model wearing green bra with black bra liner

    Promising review: "This is one of those things that I wish I'd found years earlier. I've suffered from mortifying stress-induced under-boob sweat for most of my adult life. Also, I'm a lifelong Seattle girl who gets upset when it's warmer than 65 degrees outside. So when I stumbled upon this product, I was curious enough to buy a small pack. And yes, I've come back for MORE! For real, I won't put on a bra without one of these liners now. It absorbs all the moisture from heat and stress. And because it's a really soft bamboo/cotton mix, my skin is finally not feeling tortured under there! To the makers of this ingenious life-changing product: thank you thank you thank you! Sincerely, all the grateful tatas you've helped to care for" —Niko

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in sizes M–XXL and in three colors or a multicolored pack). 

    8. An eyelash comb to separate your lashes when your mascara clumps up after applying. Just brush this through a few times, and you're good to go!

    the teeth of eyelash comb
    close up of reviewer's eyelashes perfect separated and clump-free

    Promising review: "No matter how good the brand/wand is, even a brand-new mascara will leave clumps behind. Once applied, mascara dries too fast. This tool easily glides through lashes to remove clumps." —John

    Get it from Amazon for $4.49.

    9. bottle-emptying cap because the struggle to get out every last drop from a bottle is so real (*cries in wasted shampoo*). Attach it to any lid, flip it, and let gravity do the rest for you. 

    reviewer's gray bottle emptying can propping up an upside down body lotion bottle
    reviewer's bottle emptying kit being used to transfer the contents of one bottle to another

    See one TikToker's positive review

    Each kit includes three adapters in different sizes to fit pretty much any bottle. 

    Promising review: "Well worth it! Think of all the product in bottles you waste every year by not using something like this. It certainly covers the cost of this item! I love it!" —Rock360

    Get it from Amazon for $9.86+ (available in two colors and in multipacks). 

    10. A set of cowboy straw toppers that'll be the yee to your haw, because not only will they protect your straw from germs, dust, and all the other icky stuff that lingers in the air, but they'll also add a lil' whimsy to your tumblers — we love a cute and practical product! 

    pink cowboy hat straw topper on black tumbler
    Cowboy hat straw toppers in white, pink, brown, and black

    Check out a TikTok of the straw toppers in action. 

    Promising review: "So SO CUUUTE! 10/10!! good product and keeps my straw from getting bugs or getting germs on it! plus it’s really cute." —JennA

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $6.99

    11. A popular, long-lasting eyeliner stamp because if you're like me and have to redo your wing a bajillion times, this is SO worth it. With this stamp, you won't waste any eyeliner — all it takes is one stamp and DONE! Perfect symmetry on both sides. 

    reviewer wearing cat-eye look created with the winged eyeliner stamp and dark blue lipstick
    reviewer holds two stamps, which each have a slightly curved end for adding a winged eye to black eyeliner

    One side is the curved wing stamp, and the other is a regular fine tip liner for defining the rest of the eye. It comes in a pack of two, one for each eye.

    Promising review: "Got this before a trip I took a few days ago. I have never been able to do wing eyeliner properly so I was excited to try this. It's very pigmented and goes on beautifully! I've tried other liquid eyeliners before, and they were so watery and not close to the dark black I wanted at all but this product was great. I did my makeup and put this eyeliner on at 9 a.m., traveled two hours, walked around a city for about three hours and it was warm so I was sweating, and then went to an NBA game. After all that time (about 16 hours!), the eyeliner was just as perfect as I had put it on! I love this product and can't wait to use it more often!" —Elizabeth

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $14.98+ (available in three sizes and a combo pack). 

    12. Shout color-catching sheets so the next time you do laundry, you won't have to separate your whites from your colors. These'll capture all the running dye, so you can save those tears when you realize your favorite shirt is still white!

    Promising review: "These Color Catcher sheets really protect colors from bleeding. It makes all clothes/laundry brighter and look like new — not that old washed color after just one wash without these sheets. I give this product 5+ stars. Highly recommend. A few pennies spent additionally on your laundry makes one look like wearing new clothes all the time." —Nikita

    Get 72 sheets from Amazon for $11.53.

    13. A shower curtain with pockets because balancing all your shower products on the bathtub rim is way too chaotic. Now they'll be as secure as possible (and stop getting knocked over). 

    You can hang this shower curtain with the pockets facing either the inside or outside, depending on what you need to store.

    Promising review: "I needed more storage in my shower because there are no built-in niches, and I only have room for a narrow shower caddy. I saw this idea on Pinterest, but it was geared toward college dorms and small apartments. I found that it works great in any size bathroom. It has nine pockets of different sizes, so you can store many different items. The liner itself is of heavy plastic and the pockets are of sturdy mesh. The overall quality is very good and it does not feel too thin. My shower rod is screwed into the wall, so I am not concerned about putting too many heavy items in the pockets, but if you have a tension rod, you should be aware not to overload it." —Minerva King

    Get it from Amazon for $16.98+ (available in grey or clear).

    14. A Car Caché so you can keep your bag within arm's reach while keeping your passenger seat free — you'll never have to put your bags on the dirty floor again! It basically creates a hammock for your purse so your precious items won't fly out whenever you hit the brakes. Plus, reviewers say it's handy for keeping their dogs in the backseat!

    the car cache installed in a car
    a reviewer photo of their purse being supported by the car cache also comes with mesh pockets so you can store essentials right by your side!

    Promising review: "Um, holy grail! My purse has always taken up my passenger seat. If I have a passenger, it's sitting next to me in the driver's seat. I have a large LV bag that doesn't have a zipper to close it up. Any time I would brake even a tiny bit harder than usual, everything would go sliding off to the floor if I didn't mom-arm it. I got so sick of picking up the contents of my purse (I live in So Cal and drive A LOT). I saw this in a random article on FB, read the glowing reviews, and bought it immediately. YOU GUYS, this is AMAZING! It keeps my purse in place and doesn't slip out on either side. It took all of two minutes to install. LOVE!" —MsJoy

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    15. A pack of two blind-spot mirrors because parallel parking and merging lanes can be such a pain. in. the. neck (yes, figuratively and literally). With these helpful lil' gizmos, you'll be able to save so much time trying to squeeze into that space *and* do it safely!

    The blind spot mirror attached to a rearview mirror showing more closely, how much room is next to the car door

    Promising review: "I bought these for my mom's car and mine a while ago, and these little things are great. Since I got my license, I've hated merging or switching lanes; I never felt good or safe doing it. Since having these, it's been a blessing; I feel less like a scared new driver. I'm currently encouraging my sister and friends to invest in these too! These are also great for backing up because you can see exactly how close you are to hitting the car behind, and it's helpful when I parallel park in the city." —Mariam Abass

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in four shapes and three styles).

    16. A makeup spatula (as seen on Shark Tank!so you can get every cent out of your favorite beauty products. With this, you won't be cringing every time you throw out your concealer that still has a quarter left in it. 

    Promising review: "I just started using it, and it really lets me use all the foundation in the bottle. I feel I'm getting my money's worth when I can see all the foundation gone. Great little tool." —Chavez

    Get it from Amazon for $5.99 (available in two styles).

    17. A handy little cleaning ball that you can leave in your bag to capture any dirt, dust, or crumbs that *dare* to enter. You can also take it out of the casing and roll it around to pick up whatever is left over! This won't end up in your junk drawer; it'll just live in your bag. 

    the pink cleaning ball in a purse
    reviewer's finger on the pink ball, which is covered in dust and crumbs

    See how well it works at cleaning the bottom of a bag on TikTok!

    Promising review: "I found out about this little gadget from a TikTok video, and I thought I'd give it a try. I usually keep some sort of snack in my purse, and as much as I try to keep the containers sealed and to keep my bags clean, I inevitably end up with those annoying little micro-crumbs at the bottom. As soon as I ordered this ball, I put it straight into my purse, and within a day or two, it was already time to wash it! It picks up a lot for being so small! Pro tip: To open it, squeeze the thick ring around the middle and it should pop apart pretty easily. Rinse off the sticky ball part with just water, then put it back together and let it air dry for a couple of hours. Good as new! I highly recommend this product. Whether you have kids or not, bags just get lint and teeny tiny little crumbs over time. Buy it!!" —Sarah Couv

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99 (available in three colors, as well as a set of three). 

    18. Anti-slip silicone glasses sleeves because having to push your glasses back up every five seconds is just so darn annoying. Just slip these onto the arms and prevent your frames from ever hitting the floor again! 

    The silicone glasses sleeves on glasses
    A person wearing glasses with the sleeves on them

    Promising review: "I was a little dubious about these, but my daughter's glasses were always falling off her face and to the floor, so if I could spend a couple of bucks to save her expensive glasses, it was worth a shot. In fact, because you get five pairs, I put a set on my glasses, and I'll be darned if they don't work really well. They add a little bit of bulk to your glasses so if you're extremely fashion-conscious, it's not like tape-on-the-bridge nerdy, but it's there. But if you're more concerned about having your glasses feel like they're going to stay put on your head, then you'll like these. They aren't too thick so you don't really notice them on your ears. In fact, because of the soft silicone, they actually result in less of the occasional soreness I would get from my glasses on my ears sometimes." —Domenico Bettinelli

    Get a pack of five pairs (10 total) from Amazon for $6.99 (available in three colors).

    19. A plush microfiber makeup-removing cloth that removes ALL makeup (yes, even waterproof makeup) with just water. WATER. The other side exfoliates your face, and afterward, you can just toss it into the laundry with everything else. 

    The pink makeup removing washcloth
    Reviewer wearing full face of makeup labeled before, and with all their makeup removed and a bare face after using the washcloth labeled after

    Promising review: "Okay, so I know there’s a ton of reviews for how amazing this thing is, and I really thought it was going to be super overhyped. But seriously — THIS THING IS AMAZING! Usually, I have to really scrub to get my mascara off, and I’ll typically lose an eyelash or two in the process, but I wet this down and wiped my face once, and everything was off my face and on the towel. And I mean wipe, there was no scrubbing. I literally did a quick wipe expecting it to be just an initial pass, then looked up into the mirror and was like, holy hell, I think it’s all off. I’m in total shock. I have literally never once had a cream, oil, cloth, or otherwise that so effortlessly wiped off my mascara before. There’s got to be some magic going on face thanks you." —anonymous

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (available in four colors).

    20. A toothpaste holder and squeezer because it is quite literally *impossible* to get the last drops of toothpaste out. Now you'll be able to completely empty the tube and actually feel satisfied when you throw it out. 

    reviewer photo of toothpaste in the holder
    reviewer holding the toothpaste in holder

    Promising review: "This device is ingenious! Wished I’d known this product existed sooner. I use Arm & Hammer toothpaste, which still comes in the standard small cap so having it propped up behind the bathroom cabinet was impossible. Now, problem solved. It’s a small invention that made a positive impact. I thank the person who thought of it." —Jl33NYC

    Get it from Amazon for $6.28.

    21. Shark Tank-famous Lion Latch travel jewelry case that you can clip onto your keys, water bottle, or backpack so you'll never lose your family heirloom ring. The lid is locked into place and can't be opened unless the carabiner is taken off! So the next time you're taking a dive into the ocean, just put all your jewelry here so it doesn't get lost in the sand. 

    reviewer holding lion latch attached to keys
    lion latch open with rings inside

    Lion Latch is a woman-owned business founded by Lerin Lockwood, a high school art teacher from Texas.

    Promising review: "This genius little invention is absolutely perfect for keeping jewelry safe! I love that you can clip it to your keys, bookbag, purse, etc. I plan on using this when I travel and go hiking to keep my engagement ring safe. If the lid is on and the clip is through the holes, there is no way you can lose anything. It's perfect!" —Hollie Daniels

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $36.95 (available in eight color variations).

    And check out more Shark Tank products our readers actually swear by!

    22. A "Magic Tap" automatic drink dispenser because having to grab that big ol' gallon of milk or OJ in the morning is unnecessary extra work (and also harder on kids). This gadget will easily slide into any jug — just press your cup against the trigger for a refreshing drink! 

    Person's finger pressing the dispenser on a milk jug
    Two bottles of milk with magic tap dispensers on them

    BTW, it doesn't work on carbonated bevs!

    Check out a TikTok of the drink dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "Super happy with this purchase. Our two little ones (5- and 3-years-old) can now easily fill their own drinks. We also purchased a dual cereal dispenser from Amazon, so now the kids can get their own breakfast cereal with milk!" —April M. Ramos

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in four colors and in multipacks). 

    23. A Take-n-Slide medication tracker so you don't have to retrace your entire day to try to remember if you've taken your meds or not. 

    Take-n-Slide is the small business that created this genius tool to make it easy to keep track of medications. They also offer a vitamin tracker, pet med tracker, and multi-dose tracker. 

    Promising review: "Where has this been all my life? I love it. This is a lifesaver! I’ve been looking for something like this for years. I always forget 10 minutes later if I actually took my medicine or just put it down. I’ve tried so many different ways, making marks on the bottle, making stickers, and other pill containers. None ever work. And pill containers are so bulky when I only need one pill." —Niki

    Get a pack of five from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two colors and a pack of two).

    24. A portable Chill-O-Matic Instant Beverage Cooler if you love your bevs *ice cold* ❄️. This powerful lil' machine will make a 12-ounce can of any drink cold in just one minute!!! ONE! Can your fridge do that? I think not. 

    A small black device with a can and ice inside of it

    Chill-O-Matic is a small business that specializes in beverage accessories. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Chill-O-Matic in action. 

    Promising review: "I was so afraid of wasting money. But I didn’t. I love my sodas cold. But sometimes there’s not a cold one available, and waiting 30-40 min for one to get cold in the freezer is not always ideal. This will get your room temp can to fridge cold in 90 seconds. I let it run double that to get almost freezer cold. I wish it had a power cord. But I do appreciate the portability that the batteries provide. I can’t wait to try it out on vacation, as access to cold sodas isn’t always available. All you need is literally a little bit of ice." —G. Massey

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in two colors). 

    25. A reviewer-beloved veggie chopper so you can feel like the next Gordon Ramsay. This multifunctioning gadget chops, spiralizes, and slices veggies instantly so you don't have to, AND it comes with a built-in storage container that'll leave your kitchen ~ mess-free ~. 

    a reviewer photo of the chopper, attachable blades and a bin filled with chopped potatoes
    a reviewer using the chopper to dice an onion

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper, which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer 

    Get it from Amazon for $29.97 (available in four other styles and four colors). 

    26. Drop Stop (as seen on Shark Tank) because there is nothing more annoying than dropping your phone or keys into the abyss that is the gap next to your seat. Insert this into the gap for a snug fit — a simple yet genius idea. 

    Promising review: "These things are amazing!! My Explorer has an abyss under the seat. If anything drops, it’s gone forever! These stay in place way better than expected. I won’t go without them ever!" — Kaci A.

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $19.99.

    27. A set of Bed Bands that lock your sheets into place so that when you're kicking in your sleep while dreaming that you're Jackie Chan, your sheets won't budge. And in the morning, you can ACTUALLY make your bed instead of creating a facade with mangled sheets under your duvet.

    The underside of a mattress with a fitted sheet being held on by a bed band

    Bed Band is a US-based small business that specializes in bed bands for mattresses of various sizes. 

    Promising review: "I have a pillow-top and pillow-bottom queen-sized bed that is a little too small for king sheets, and with queen sheets, I have battled to keep the sheets from popping off. I have tried everything! I was about to try to customize some king sheets because it was so frustrating. Then I saw this. It works. I was shocked. My sheets have not popped off once. I ordered this in February and it is May now — and they have not popped off once! They used to pop off EVERY...SINGLE...NIGHT. To say this is life-changing is not an exaggeration. Such a relief to be able to sleep through the night without ending up in rumpled sheets." —TinkerbellAPixie

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in two sizes, three colors, and packs of two, three, or four).

    28. mounted brush to help your feline BFF groom themselves while catching their excess fur, saving you time and sparing your furniture. It comes with a little pouch of catnip for sprinkling on to encourage them to use it! Plus, I'm sure it feels sooooo good to rub against (okay, we need one for humans ASAP). 

    Reviewer photo of their cat happily rubbing its face on the brush
    Reviewer holding a chunk of cat fur showing how effective the brush is at loosening fur

    Promising review: "My cat Gambino Bambino would let you brush him bald!!! He loves to be groomed and comes running whenever the brush comes out. Though we love to accommodate, I know he wanted more. He was constantly rubbing his cheeks and ears on the corner of our walls to get even more scratching. I finally came across this product and knew he would love it! It took a little convincing, but once he got a hang of it, he’s been loving it! We have one in the living room, one in the kitchen, one at the top of the stairs, and one in the guest room! He is having a great time!!! Very easy to put together and place on the wall." —T. Mangiaracina

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    29. And a super popular (we're talking 100,000+ 5-star ratings!) ChomChom pet hair remover that pet owners swear by. It works just like a lint roller but without the sticky paper, so it's endlessly reusable. It's designed to pick up pet hair efficiently, trapping the fur until you're ready to empty it out and start again!

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy this, and it is money well spent!! I’m convinced that my beagle sheds a full coat of hair and regrows it daily! I use this on my bed every single day and it blows my mind how well it works. Before this I was going through 4–5 disposable sticky rollers a month and spending three times longer to remove dog hair. I am buying these for everyone in my family as Christmas gifts this year! ❤️" —tiff4short

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in two colors). 

    30. magnetic air fryer cheat sheet letting you know the temperature and how long to cook your food so you don't have to pull out your phone with messy hands after marinating or seasoning raw chicken. Sorry, Google, you won't be needed today!

    They can go on the side of appliances (like an air fryer) or on the side of the fridge — wherever you'd find them most handy!

    Promising review: "These magnetic cheat sheets are wonderful. So handy instead of a cookbook; I use it every day! I gave my niece an air fryer for Christmas, so I bought her a set, too, and she loves it." —KateK.

    Get it from Amazon for $7.45+ (available in two colors and in bundles). 

    31. A Frostbuddy because you drink your daily iced coffee a little too slow, and by noon, it's lukewarm and watered down. Just plop any cup (small, medium, *and* large sizes fit) into this nifty vacuum-insulated holder, and it'll keep your drink cold for HOURS — you'll be able to keep sippin' on your non-diluted latte throughout the day!

    Two cups on a table; a disposable cup with a beverage and straw, next to a reusable tumbler
    Person holding a blue FrostBuddy insulated tumbler with a dunkin cup slid inside of it

    It comes with a lid, so you can also use it as a regular thermos to keep drinks icy cold and super hot! TBH, you can even pop a hot coffee cup into this to keep it warm, so the Frostbuddy is technically also a Hotbuddy. Check out a TikTok of the Frostbuddy in action!

    BTW, Frost Buddy is a small business that specializes in universal thermal-controlling drinkware. 

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this! I use this all the time for my coffee from Starbucks, and it is amazing! I'll get iced coffee at 9 a.m. and still have ice in it at 7 p.m. I have many Frostbuddy products now, and their entire line is phenomenal. This is definitely a must-have item for coffee or tea drinkers. I love that it also comes with a leakproof lid, so you can put your own drink in there, too. Overall, awesome product!" —EHW

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in 23 styles). 

    32. A DogBuddy pooper scooper so you no longer have to pick up that warm mush of a mess with a plastic bag that's a little too thin. You just have to take one of the doo doo bags and pull it over the scooper, grab the poop, and tie it up — easy peasy, and you'll be less queasy. 

    a reviewer holding the dog buddy with bags attached to their dog's leash
    bag attached to inside of pooper scooper

    Check out a TikTok of the DogBuddy scooper in action. 

    DogBuddy is a small business specializing in pet care products including bowls, mats, and scoopers. 

    Promising review: "I normally don’t leave reviews but this is amazing! It’s easy to use and saves so many dog bags if you’re taking a number of dogs on a walk because you don’t need to open a new bag for each poop. It also makes the whole process a lot less gross. I would 100% recommend this for dog walks and even picking up poop in the backyard. It holds a lot more than you’d think!" —Joslyn Cavitt

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in two sizes and four colors). 

    33. An undetectable mouse jiggler if you WFH and need your profile to stay "active" on Slack or Teams. It'll move your mouse multiple times a minute, so if you need to make yourself a lil' snack or walk your dog, you won't have to explain why your status says you're inactive!

    A mouse on a white oval device that spins it slightly to keep the mouse active
    black mouse jiggler

    Promising review: "Like everyone else, I stumbled upon this product because of a TikTok I saw. Setup was extremely easy and I'm pleased to say that my Teams green light is on all the time now. Workers of the world, unite." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $18.69+ (available in eight styles). 

    34. A Baseboard Buddy so you don't have to get down on your hands and knees to get rid of that mold and dust on your floors and baseboards. Plus, it has a 4-foot extendable pole so you can easily clean your ceiling fans and grates — sorry, Cinderella, this was after your time. 

    a reviewer showing a dirty baseboard buddy pad
    a before and after of a reviewer's once dusty baseboards

    The kit comes with one Baseboard Buddy and three reusable pads, which can be used wet or dry. 

    Promising review: "Buy it NOW. Honestly, I had huge reservations for this thing. Yet another miracle cleaning tool that will break or bend or something. I was so wrong. It was easy to put together and I sprayed it with Mean Green and went to the baseboards. No more kneeling and no broken back. This thing is amazing. It is durable and the pad is super absorbent. I am so happy. I can't wait to do the rest of the house!" —artgirl

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99

    35. A foldable, slip-resistant "Sink Topper" that's any apartment dweller's dream. Unfold it over the counter, and you'll have so much more room for your morning routine (instead of having to juggle your foundation on the bathtub and your concealer on the toilet tank). 

    Sink Topper is a small business that specializes in household-friendly organizing mats. 

    Promising review: "I was introduced to this item through TikTok and they weren’t joking when they place certain videos on your 'For You Page,' because they knew that I NEEDED THIS. It is super helpful for small sinks and I love the material. It doesn’t slide around, it’s wide enough for all my (at the moment) bathroom needs and I can easily fold it up and take it anywhere with me." —Allie West

    Get it from Amazon for $22.49+ (available in three colors and two sizes). 

    36. A salon-worthy stainless-steel skin spatula to scrape all the gunk from your face. The vibration helps lift blackheads, dirt, makeup residue, and excess oil out of your pores while promoting better absorption for your other skincare. For under $20, think about how much you would save instead of going for a facial!

    Reviewer's scraper after being used, showing the dirt and oil removed from skin
    Reviewer photo of gunk removed by their scraper

    See it in action on TikTok!

    HuffPost Shopping writer Haley Zovickian says, "I finally caved and bought this during Black Friday, and wow, I am SO glad I did. Blackheads are less of an issue for me than cystic acne, and it worked beautifully for both, and somehow very gently, too. The first time I used it, I could see all the stubborn gunk in my skin being extracted — gunk that was still there despite having just showered and regularly adhering to a pretty strict skincare regimen (!). I used the Blume Nourishing Face Oil to keep my skin moist while using it, which worked well for me (they recommend using a toner, water, or some other moisturizing agent). After using it, my skin felt softer than it's felt in years, and super clean without being at all tight. In short, a great product and definitely a staple for me."

    Promising review: "Don't doubt it, a staple in skincare. I got this little device from a TikTok and decided to give it a try. I never knew I needed it until the first time I tried it. The vibrations magically bring up all the stubborn blackheads you can’t reach with just your fingers, especially if you have acrylics like me." —Paige Chaney

    Get it from Amazon for $15.78+ (available in three colors).

    37. A bidet toilet attachment so you can feel like you're sitting on the most luxurious throne.  It'll wash your booty, and you can adjust the water pressure — you'll be using a whole lot less TP while still feeling cleaner than before! Plus, the nozzle cleans and retracts itself when you're done. 

    close up of the bidet attachment with dials

    We reviewed the best toilet paper and recommend this for our highest price point for efficiency's sake. And it's an easy install on your toilet, even for renters!

    Promising review: "Super easy to hook up and has made a huge impression on me. I’m a frugal person and just assumed TP was the frugal choice. How silly I was to not explore my options. If you’re on the fence, just do it. This bidet is a bit life-changing. I’ve had it installed for 3–4 weeks and have had no issues whatsoever. I’ve even recommended one to a buddy who I thought would be vehemently opposed. He installed his, and he would also call it life-changing for his partner and their two kids. 5 stars easily." —WRD

    Get it from Amazon for $35.38+ (available in three colors).

    38. silicone tumbler ice-shaped tray because you love your agua ice cold, but your straw says "no, not today" to going all the way in when you use ice cubes. The mold includes three different sizes, so you'll be able to make ice for any tumbler and even stack the cubes if you'd like to! 

    three different cylindrical ice cube sizes
    A water bottle containing a large cylindrical block of ice, viewed from above

    Check out a TikTok of the tumbler ice tray in action. 

    Promising review: "So far, so good! Works great for 40-ounce Hydro Flask." —Vic

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in three colors). 

    39. A pack of FryAway Cooking Oil Solidifier Powder for disposing of grease without the fear of burning yourself or clogging your pipes. Just sprinkle and stir the powder into hot oil and watch it coagulate, then safely remove into the trash.

    A customer review photo of the pack of Fry Away for pan frying
    gif of reviewer using a spoon to remove the oil from a pan

    FryAway is a small business that was created to make cleaning easy!

    Promising review: "Quite impressive. After making some fries, we added a packet to the hot oil and stirred a few times. Maybe 10 minutes later, we checked the pan, and the oil had solidified. Using a wooden spoon, we easily removed the solid and put it in the trash. I will always make sure to keep a pack of FryAway in our pantry. Highly recommended." —Ryan O.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in two styles).

    40. DeskCycle so you can incorporate some movement while parked behind your work desk all day. You can adjust the height to whatever is most comfortable, choose from eight resistance settings, and pedal away!

    the DeskCycle
    Reviewer using the DeskCycle

    Promising review: "Pleasantly surprised with this DeskCycle! I wasn't sure how well an under-the-desk cycling device could work, but I get back and hip issues when I sit still for too long, and I don't always exercise daily the way I'd like to. I've been using it for a couple of weeks, and I am really happy with it. It's very quiet, and it cycles very smoothly. Even using the cycle at the lowest of eight resistance settings for a total of about an hour a day, I am noticing my legs getting stronger. I am definitely less stiff after a day in front of my computer than when I sat still. I would recommend this product to anyone with a computer job who needs a little more movement in their lives." —Tamara

    Get it from Amazon for $149.99+ (available in two colors and two styles, including the height-adjustable option). 

    41. A "Cup Claw" that'll be your savior if you happen to own a lot of bras or tops with removable padding in them. If the pads come out in the laundry, just take this handy scissor-like doodad and slide 'em back in!

    Model using a purple scissor like tool to trap a bra pad and slide it into the bra and fan it out
    Model holding purple scissor with bra pad wrapped around it

    Cup Claw is a US-based, family-owned small business specializing in fashion tools. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Cup Claw in action. 

    Promising review: "After so many lost bra pads, this has been a lifesaver. Instead of feeling immense amounts of frustration, trying to get the pads back into place, this works like a breeze. It is simple to use, effective, and takes a lot of stress out of life. If you are tired of fighting with pads to get them smoothed out and back into place I highly recommend this." —Wesley I. 

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99

    42. A magnetic microwave cover so you don't have to clean the microwave every time you want to reheat your leftover soup or cook your frozen chicken pot pie. Just place it on top of your food when you heat it up, and it'll prevent anything from splattering onto the walls. Once you're done, just stick it right back up on there!

    Check out a TikTok of the microwave cover in action. 

    Promising review: "If you live in a small space like I do, this will seriously change your life. No longer do I have to struggle to find somewhere to put my cover if I'm heating up a cup of coffee. Just attach it to the roof of your microwave. Hopefully, you have a flat surface; check before you buy. There is a slight learning curve as to where to put it or the force or lack thereof needed, but after a couple of times it's second nature. Love, love, love this product. I'm probably going to get some for Christmas presents next year, it's one of those items that you wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself but it will change your life." —Rachel

    Get it from Amazon for $24.94.

    43. An anti-soggy cereal bowl because no one should have to eat Cinnamon Toast *Crunch*less. It separates solids and liquids and can also be used for chips and dips, curry and rice, and anything else you despise eating soggy. 

    Reviewer's split cereal bowl with milk and cereal separated
    Reviewer's split bowl used for soup and salad

    Promising review: "This product is something I didn’t know I needed. It’s like the creator crawled into my soul and found the deepest desire of my heart and then invented it. If you think I’m being dramatic, you should try soggy cereal and then eat cereal from THIS bowl. I’ll take 30 more, please, and hand them out as gifts." —Sarah F.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three colors and in packs of two or three).

    44. And a two-sided travel cup — instead of lugging around both a water bottle and coffee tumbler, you just need this genius cup! 

    reviewer holding the creative water cup, which is filled with iced coffee on one side and water on the other
    gif of reviewer turning the creative water cup filled with two beverages upside down to show that it doesn't leak

    Check it out on TikTok!

    Promising review: "You NEED this. This product is AMAZING. When I run errands, I hate bringing both a water bottle and coffee tumbler. This product solves that issue. I ran it through my dishwasher to clean it, and the plastic didn’t morph at all. 10/10 recommend!" —Megan Huffman

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in two colors). 

    45. The Car Seat Key for anyone with arthritis, carpal tunnel, or just long nails. Unclipping the buckle of your child's car seat is pretty darn hard sometimes, but with this nifty tool, all you have to do is slide it over the red button and squeeze! 

    reviewer holding the car seat key in black
    reviewer showing how the car seat key works to help unbuckle a car seat if you have long nails

    Promising review: "After I had my first child almost a year ago, I stopped getting acrylic nails because I couldn't get him out of his car seat without struggling or breaking a nail. I’d have to get them as an overlay or extra short. But I saw this product on TikTok and had to try it out and omg!! It works! It took me a while to figure out the best angle to get him out with it but once I did I went to the nail shop expeditiously!! Lol If you’ve been thinking about this for a while, GET IT! It’s worth it!" —Tora318

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in four colors and also in multipacks).

    46. A SwitchBot Smart Switch Button Pusher so you don't have to get out of bed to turn on the coffee maker and can get a few extra minutes of shuteye instead. Just attach the SwitchBot to any device with an on/off switch and download the app! From there, you can even set it on a timer — all you need is a Bluetooth connection.

    the white square shaped SwitchBot on a lightswitch, fan, and computer
    The black version on a coffee machine button

    Reviewers love this because it doesn't require you to "smart enable" other parts of your home. It's also a great way to turn on your kettle or coffee brewer from the other room so it's ready for you when you get out of bed! 

    You can even connect it to your Alexa or Google Home for voice control, though you need the separate Hub for that (which also allows you to control it outside of Bluetooth range) — the Hub comes with two smart buttons. 

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for and had no idea it existed until I saw someone mention it on TikTok! Our front walkway gets pretty dark at night, and I was frustrated with trying to remember to turn on the light every evening and off every morning. I looked into those light sensors you can plug in, but our front porch light is under an awning with enough shade that it would have kept the light on 24/7. This little Switchbot solved the problem. I applied it to the indoor light switch and set the time on my phone. It has worked perfectly ever since." —Alecia McLochlin

    Get it from Amazon for $29 (available in white and black). 

    47. A set of Wad-Free pads ensuring your sheets actually come out dry instead of as a dripping ball of fabric. These also prevent them from getting tangled up with everything else! Once you use these and take out dry, unwrinkled sheets, you'll realize it was never your poor dryer's fault.

    Plus, they're BPA-free, reusable, and created by a small business during the pandemic. 

    Promising review: "THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! I saw a TikTok about these and decided to order. Sheets balling all up in the washer and dryer has been a pet peeve of mine for forever. I was super skeptical of these, but I tried it, and it works as advertised! It’s a little on the expensive side IMO, and that’s kinda holding me back from purchasing a second set, but they really do work." —StrangerThings

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.99.

    Also check out the version for blankets and duvet covers here!

    48. And a SockDock because one sock ~mysteriously~ goes missing when you do laundry, every. single. time. It has a built-in hanger and holds nine pairs of socks so you'll never have to sort them again after taking them out of the dryer.

    SockDock is a small business founded by Kevin Bunn in March 2017 after he got so frustrated losing socks while doing laundry. 

    Promising review: "For the last six years, I have lost literally dozens of socks. No one would fess up to having them stuffed in their drawers or crammed underneath their beds. So, it must be the sock gnomes. I have been using the SockDock for about a month, I've washed about three or four loads and guess what, not one sock lost. It does take some commitment to load soiled socks on the tree, but it's worth the effort. They come out of the wash, and you just hang them up and pull fresh ones off. I highly recommend if you can commit yourself to the process." —S. Peterson

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in three colors).

    You when your eyelashes are actually de-clumped and separated for once: