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    48 Thoughts You Have When You Go To The Gym For The First Time

    Working on your fitness never felt so awkward.

    1. Alright, here it goes. Finally going to start working out everyday.

    2. Well, almost everyday. Rest days are important, that's just science.

    3. Dang, I forgot my water. I'll just buy one.

    4. $1.50 for a bottle of water?! Nevermind.

    5. Wait, I need that or I'll die.

    6. I guess I'll buy it, but just this once. Never forgetting water again.

    7. Oh a free towel, that's nice.

    8. I wonder how many other people have used this towel.

    9. It smells like bleach which means it's clean, I guess.

    10. Should I bring my own towel?

    11. Everyone here looks so put together.

    12. Do they know they're at the gym?

    13. Why is that guy looking at me?

    14. Wait, no, he's looking at that other girl.

    15. Still, take your male gaze elsewhere.

    16. Where should I start?

    17. What the fuck is that machine?

    18. I don't know how to use any of this.

    19. Is this for my arms or my legs?

    20. Is this diagram supposed to be helpful.

    21. Why are there only men on these diagrams?

    22. Maybe I should just get on the elliptical.

    23. I can do an hour on this, so easy.

    24. Let me start up my playlist to get me in the mood.

    25. How long has it been?

    26. Four minutes? That's it?

    27. That can't be right, it's at least been 15 minutes.

    28. Maybe I'll just do 20 minutes on this and then do 40 on the treadmill.

    29. Has it been 20 minutes yet? I am dying.

    30. 14 minutes? Close enough.

    31. I hope no one noticed that I was only on the machine for 14 minutes.

    32. Whatever, it was a warm up. They don't know my life.

    33. All of the treadmills are taken.

    34. WHAT DO I DO?

    35. I'm going to do it. I am going to attempt to use this weird weight contraption.

    36. JK treadmill opened up, I will brave the weights tomorrow.

    37. Why do today what you can do tomorrow, amirite?

    38. I don't know what incline means, so let's go with 10.

    39. That was a mistake.

    40. I'm dying.

    41. I'm dying.

    42. I'm still dying. And also kind of hungry.

    43. Should I eat more before I come here?

    44. How long have I been on this thing?

    45. 20 minutes?

    46. Close enough. Time to go home.

    47. I'll do more tomorrow.

    48. High five self, you did the gym!