24 Struggles That Everyone From Sheffield Faces

    There's nowt so queer as Sheffield folk.

    1. Having to go somewhere, anywhere, that involves using the Supertram.

    2. When people don't understand that "Halfway" is your full answer to the question, "Where do you live?"

    3. Being forced to do hill starts on your very first driving lesson.

    4. Not being about to use public transport for a week every time it snows.

    5. Getting to the station just in time for your train and having to forgo a pint at The Tap.

    6. You've faced the very real issue of your tea being served up without Hendo's.

    7. And everyone thinks you're dead tight, when really you're just used to things being cheap.

    8. You always check the hallmark on cutlery in a restaurant.

    9. No one can resist doing their own impression of your accent.

    10. People who've never been to Sheffield think it's an industrial wasteland...

    11. ... when really, all those old warehouses are now dreamy apartments that cost less than a parking space in London.

    12. And no one believes you when you tell them there are more trees per person in Sheffield than any other city.

    13. Because they can't comprehend the Steel City comprising so many green areas.

    14. Although if you do happen to come from a leafy suburb like Dore or Totley, your Sheffieldness will be brought into question by everyone else in the city anyway.

    15. When you call people "love", they assume it means you like them.

    16. And when you call people "dickhead", they assume it means you don't.

    17. It's impossible to guess how close to home you are since the Tinsley Towers got knocked down.

    18. Drinks on Kelham Island aren't anywhere near as exotic as they sound.

    19. People assume that pie and pie suppers are the only food option available.

    20. When really the problem is which new culinary hot spot to try next.

    21. You've struggled to find anything in life as romantic as the words, "I Love You Will U Marry Me?"

    22. Everyone thinks that Leeds is more cosmopolitan because it's got one bloody Harvey Nichols.

    23. And that Manchester is cooler because of its music.

    24. But really, who cares about cosmopolitan and cool when you get to call this glorious place home?