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    24 Highlights From A New Year Harry Potter Marathon

    Spending the first 20 hours and 13 minutes of 2016 watching all of the Harry Potter films back to back is intense even for a dedicated fangirl. Luckily, there were some epic highlights.

    1. Children talking like they're in a Jane Austen novel

    2. Rupert Grint being too cute

    3. Adolescent feelings re-emerging

    4. "I didn't know you could read"

    5. Don't sieve the potion, just stir it

    6. Tom Riddle was a fit student


    8. Year 9: When everyone decides they're a rude boy

    9. Why is Harry still playing Quidditch?

    10. The Classic

    11. How can you tell it's the end of the party?

    12. Oh My God! They Killed Trigger

    13. Defeating the Dark Lord can wait until we've finished our pints

    14. Boys will be boys

    15. "Boys and girls are not to be within eight inches of each other"

    16. Cha'mone Mo Fos

    17. Even the greatest witches let jealousy get to them...

    18. Who is this imposter?

    19. "My father will hear about this"

    20. The awkward moment where you realise you've kissed a 17 year old

    21. #originalfemaleboss

    22. Crabbe's extreme makeover

    23. "Let's finish this the way we started..."

    24. And finally, Neville being an absolute boss!