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    Hollywood Republican, Suzanne Somers shames the administration for dividing the country

    Celebrities that are liberal are constantly criticized by the right for discussing their politics. The charge, by the right of course is, liberal-minded celebrities should just, "shut up and sing," or "act" or be focused on whatever creative adventure they deposit themselves in - but politics should absolutely be off limits to them. That no one cares what an elitist liberal has to say on political affairs. Yet, when it concerns conservative-minded celebrates, well their political opinion is welcomed. Absolutely celebrated! Like Suzanne Somers.

    Recently Somers was on Fox News promoting her "I'm Too Young For This" book. The book is not about politics; rather its topic is about "perimenopause." But that is besides the point, because she is on Fox News, and it's tradition for the guest to discuss their politics. Meaning, Somers should use the air space to be a "brave" Hollywood Republican. After all, Republicans in Hollywood are an anomaly − a rare species that rarely survives in the atmosphere of self-deluded, elitist, spellbound liberals.

    Somers did not disappoint, and was all too willing to be the face of conservatism in Hollywood − all the while pretending to be reluctant about talking about it. To her defense, she did state discussing her politics could get her to trouble. By whom is a mystery? But Somers soldiered on and divulged her politics. Letting it be known that she's a capitalist. And all capitalists are conservative, apparently. She continued by cementing her love for George H.W. Bush, delighting about the day she saw him on C-SPAN - by happenstance he mentioned her product, the thigh master. In what context, not sure, but it delighted her nonetheless. She mentioned they are friends. As noted in the Fox News clip, politicians love Hollywood and Hollywood loves their politicians, like Raegan. Though, President Obama is the King that has mastered the title of celebrity President, apparently − back to Somers.

    The conversation thus ventured into her opinion of the Obama Administration. The interviewer "fake" pressed Somers on why liberals in Hollywood are so enamored with President Obama. Her response, which is a paraphrase (because I don't want to waste more of time in my life re-watching it), "I don't know…I try to keep my distance and not talk about my politics when in those circles." But of course she had no issue with publically stating her political opinion in a 2013 Wall Street Journal commentary, associating ACA (Obamacare) to a Socialist Ponzi-scheme. As I'm watching this clip of her on Fox News, it's not lost on me that she's on national TV discussing her politics (yet again) – but I guess because she's on Fox News it's ok because she feels safe.

    Then she was asked to express her feelings about the The Obama Administration. Quickly she responded with, "This administration is divisive, the most I ever seen in my lifetime." This is not a paraphrase. To her defense I waited for her to present the facts to this. There was none. Apparently the audience was expected to believe Somers – because you know she's a celebrity!

    The most divisive in her lifetime! WOW! Does this includes being more divisive than Reagan's "Welfare Queen," and George H.W. "Willie Horton 1988 Attack," and the birther movement; including all the accusations of President Obama being a Muslim Terrorist, Socialist, Communist, Atheists, that supports Sharia Law. So that means, The Obama Administration is more divisive than Republican candidate Joe Lhota of New York "Can't Go Back." It's clear President Obama and his Admiration is responsible to the resurrection of hate charged his way, racism in society, terrorism, and undoing this once great country that used to be united, not divided. He's also responsible for being ill mannered in discussing the landscape of the racial divide that poisons the virtues of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Damn this black man, Obama and his administration for all this negativity − because once American was great when it was united.

    Though I hate to say it, oddly, Somers is correct. We are divisive. But it's not due to President Obama. Blame it on history and far-right propaganda, like Fox News fallacies that have assisted in expanding the divisiveness. It's the right, not the left that disparages President Obama for having dark skin color. It's the right, not the left that is angered that he was elected not once but twice. The divided States of America is not Obama's creation. But Somers is not alone in this theory, that The Obama Administration is most divisive. Members of the team include Ted Nugget, Donald Trump , the Tea Party, and far right Republicans. And all have been fixtures on Fox News at one point in time. So of course they believe the "most divisive administration of our time," because they have written the narrative.

    Clearly Somers misses the era when black children knew they could never be President of The United States. And Somers misses the old glory days when gays knew that Leviticus determined their fate. But don't worry Somers, not all is divisive – unarmed black and brown skin men and women continue to be killed at astronomical rates by police officers in the United States. I know it's a struggle but only two more year to go and the American values will be resurrected − putting the white back in the white house. The conservative Supreme Court will most certainly see to that. Until then, hold on to you bubble, because the bubble is good, and plenty strong. And truly I am jealous because I'm forced to live in reality.

    Who's the elitist now?