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    A good economic and social track record was not enough for Democrats to win a victory in the 2014 midterm elections

    November 4, 2014 midterm elections were just hideous for the Democratic Party. The GOP won 7 seats in the Senate and they only were looking to win six. Republicans picked up governor seats in blue states - Maine, Maryland, and Illinois. Though he had a ten point lead in the polls, Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat, race is headed for a recall against Republican Ed Gillespie. And Republicans "expanded seats in the House." So yes, this was a wave election for the Republicans, and they should be proud of themselves.

    I commend Republicans for honing in their candidates this election cycle. There were no misguided conversations about rape, vaginal ultrasounds, and no hellish fate of gays according to the Christian bible in the chapter of Leviticus. Though, Republican Joni Ernst of Iowa and Cory Garner of Colorado each have a political record of anti-abortion stance, including supporting the person-hood bill that would make abortions illegal, even in the case of rape. In addition to criminalizing women for miscarrying. But, by omitting where they stood on the issue, they were able to make inroads with women voters. Check mate!

    Speaking of inroads, Republicans were able to charge ahead while being the culprits of shutting down the government during debt ceiling negotiations, because you know Obamacare. Still, Senator Mitch McConnell was reelected with the agenda of repeal Obamacare, while Kynect thrives in his state. But what does that matter, Cory Garner supports over the counter birth control, another plus to making inroads with women. Besides, over the counter birth control estimated cost is an average of $2,500.00 a year -- compared to the Affordable Health Care Act at a cost of 100% covered by your insurance plan. Saving money is for suckas!

    And yes, a liberal policy opposed by republicans to raise the minimum wage was passed by voters in four deeply red states -- Alaska, Nebraska, Arkansas, and South Dakota. But really, never mind that. Even though republicans have stated over and over again that raising the minimum wage will kill jobs -- though statistics prove otherwise. In fact, wages that keep in pace with inflation is in fact good for the economy and creates jobs. But who has time for facts.

    Republicans, with the exception of Rand Paul, oppose legalizing marijuana and decriminalizing it. This policy is far too liberal to stamp their name to it, but guess what? Red state Alaskan voters passed the measure to legalize recreational marijuana, along with Oregon and Washington, D.C. But that's not important either, so no need to talk about it.

    Then there is Ebola and ISIS. Americans thrive off of fear and republicans are professionals in campaigning on it. Like the fear of the fact that Ebola made its way into the country. Sadly one person has died of it. Six medical staff that had direct contact with infected bodily fluids caught the disease. Five of these staff members are cured and the other is improving from the disease. In conjunction to the fact that Ebola is not an airborne disease, but tell that to the mandatory quarantines, supported by Republican Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo.

    On this very subject of Ebola, if we just focus on the facts: In Africa over two thousand people have died from the disease. In America, one person has died. This hasn't stopped 70% of American from supporting measures of mandatory quarantines for medical staff that have shown no symptoms. And yes this is all Obama's fault, according to the republicans that is, and of course conservatives are permitted to speak about that!

    And yes ISIS is out of control. No one would disagree with that. But President Obama did not create this terrorist organization. That credit belongs to President Bush and his administration, that supported the invasion of Iraq on false pretenses. It was President Obama who gave the orders to capture and kill Osama Bin Landen. Lastly, President Obama is the phantom of drone use against the war on terror. But democrats don't keep us safe, is the republican message.

    By the way, gay rights never looked so good. No more Don't Ask, Don't Tell. No more Defense of Marriage Act. Currently, in 32 days, same-sex couples can marry. Republicans have always been against civil rights of homosexuals or mum on the subject…say it isn't so. But last night they elected a gay republican and there's GOProud and Log Cabin Republicans. But for some reason Republicans can get away with not discussing how they reneged an invitation by CPAC of GOP gay rights groups and activists from in 2013. Beacause hey, they reunited in 2014.

    And Shhh! The unemployment rate is at 5.9%under a Democractic President, an improvement from the 10.2% it used to be? Or that 90-200 thousand jobs have been added each month since Obama was elected president, in both the public and private sector. And we surely can't discuss that gas prices have fallen to under $3 a gallon. So things have been better under a Democratic President and Congress, but Democratic canidates made a very direct choice to hide the presidents record, elevating Republicans political marketing campaign to victory!

    Basically, pretense liberal republicans and liberal polices succeeded in the 2014 midterms, too bad the real liberals did not.

    Update: Another case of Ebola emerged a few weeks ago, sadly the patient die from the disease. This bring the death total to two people in America. Also, Senator Mark Warner (D) prevailed in the recall in Virginia.