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    Rigging the game to your benefit is legal. Cheating is so patriotic now!

    Conservative commentator S.E. Cupp of CNN retweeted this image of what the House districts look like after the 2014 midterm results…

    The purpose is to gin-up the impression that voters are more conservative and prefer the Republicans. But all this red (I'm strictly referencing the House, not Senate) is due to gerrymandering and disengaged voters in this year's midterm elections, and honestly seemingly every midterm election. Though by Kyle Smith's tweet, the perspective is, gerrymandering represents the interests of the voters. IT DOES NOT.

    Let's be clear, Republicans gerrymandered the districts to their favor in 2010, making it impossible for liberal constituents to be represented. In 2012, liberals received one million more votes than conservatives. Yet Representative John Boehner is Speaker of the House. This imbalance will remain until 2020, favoring the republicans in the House.

    Anyone else think redistricting to your parties favor should be illegal?

    Assigning yourself to victory by using politically biased tactics is not democratic. It's unpatriotic. Gerrymandering to determine the outcome of an election is borderline communists, something a dictator of a regime would elicit. That's not democracy.

    By the way, both parties are guilty of gerrymandering.

    Based on the image from the tweet above, it appears the conservative right is running on high. Of course they are full of pride due to their wave election success in winning majority seats in the Senate, net gaining seats in the House and governor races. And because I'm not a b**ch, I'll let them eat their cake --for now.

    But the truth is… both parties have soul-searching to do, because Americans are apathetic with both parties. Though, only one party needs to make inroads with people of color. And it's not the Democrats. Ok that was b**chy.

    P.S. I like S.E. Cupp though we differ in our political philosophy.