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    We Asked A Tarot Card Reader To Break Down What Each Zodiac Sign Should Expect For Their Love Life In April 2022

    It's time to set some boundaries for a few of you.

    Welcome to your April tarot reading! This month's theme is love and romantic relationships.

    Before we dive in, a quick intro: my name is Taylor Boyd from Queen Tay Tarot, and I am a professional tarot reader and instructor.

    Over the years, I’ve learned how to use the tarot to guide people through their own self-discovery and see the larger patterns of behavior that are preventing them from living their lives to their fullest potential — and one of the most common topics people want to look into when they book a reading with me is love.

    But before we jump into the forecast for April, I wanted to give some context on how I do a love-specific tarot reading, how it differs from a general one, and what you should focus on during a reading for love. Plus, since April's reading includes some cards that are reversed, I also explain what this means below.

    And just as a reminder from last month, I also discussed below how to do tarot on your own as well as where it comes from. Enjoy!

    Where does tarot come from?

    Tarot card, Scattered astrology dice, scattered crystal pebbles on a light purple background

    Tarot is a form of divination that was first documented in 1400s Italy, but is thought to have even older roots with some tribes in Africa. The cards depict representations of universal themes or archetypes that can be used to recognize common patterns of behaviors in ourselves (individually) and for a more collective whole (society).

    Tarot is also closely related to astrology, the Kabbala, and many other spiritual systems of belief, as they use many of the same symbology or archetypes.

    How to use tarot cards:

    A person holding a card on top of a table

    As with all tools, tarot can be used in both healthy and unhealthy ways. The cards themselves are but a neutral medium to be used for self-reflection and objective perspective, and it is all about how they're put into practice.

    Pro Tip: I would recommend starting a tarot practice that is centered around conceptualizing and understanding themes, large and small, in your life.

    How to do a love tarot reading:

    Tarot cards by candlelight on dark background

    As I prepare to do a love reading, the process is slightly different than if I was going to do a general one:

    • I usually do a meditation session before each reading to connect with the energy of each client — so, during this time, I set the intention to focus specifically on love.

    • I also have a few decks that I use exclusively for love readings — and it’s never felt right to use them for anything else. 

    • The meanings of the cards will also take on a romantic context, which would be slightly different than the traditional meanings. For example, think about the Hierophant card. In a traditional sense, it represents religion, belief, contracts, or authority. In a love reading, I almost always read it as marriage.

    What to do during a love tarot reading:

    Assortment of Tarot inspired cards on a marble background

    Sometimes, it can be hard to see past your expectations for a certain outcome when you’re getting a reading with a focus on romantic love. Try to be open and recognize any bias or pressure you may be projecting onto the situation so that you can get the most out of the reading.

    I also suggest that you ask yourself this question before asking about love or pulling cards yourself: What do I need clarity on? Be as specific as you can. 

    On the surface, it may seem like you want to know if someone is into you, too, or why you haven’t had any dates in a while — but with a more focused lens, you may start to uncover larger patterns like using romance as a distraction or pushing people away to avoid being hurt again.

    What do reversed tarot cards mean?

    These card pulls also include reversals, which means that some of the cards came out upside down when I pulled them. It’s not a bad thing, but it does slightly change the traditional meaning of the card if it were to come out upright.

    A person holding a deck of tarot cards

    Below are some Love Tarotscopes for April for each zodiac sign. You can read for your sun, moon, or rising sign (also known as the "Big Three").

    However, this time, you can also read for your Venus signOur Venus sign in our horoscope can give us insight into how we like to give or receive love — and since this is a general love reading, the messages are mixed for people who are single and/or partnered. 

    Aries (March 21–April 19):

    The Prediction:

    Love is definitely the main theme for you this month! Aces represent the start of a journey and pure potential, and the suit of cups represents love and matters of emotion. There’s a good chance that someone who’s had their eye on you will make a move on you soon. 

    It will most likely be someone you’ve never dated before, since the aces are full of “new” energy. Enjoy this connection, and see where it goes! The aces can be exciting, but it’s up to you to decide how things will play out.

    Taurus (April 20–May 20):

    The Prediction:

    The queen of wands represents being confident, desired, and overall attracting a lot of attention. April may feel like a long overdue renewal for you when it comes to love. 

    A lot of romantic options will be popping up quickly and unexpectedly! It could be a little overwhelming or even challenging for your time management skills. Have fun, and enjoy being desired.

    Gemini (May 21–June 20):

    The Prediction:

    The kings of swords in a love reading can be kind of cold. You may be challenged to communicate your feelings honestly and openly with someone this month. I see this conversation pushing you out of your comfort zone a little bit, but it will help you be true to your feelings. 

    This card could even mean ending things with someone or setting firm boundaries with them. Either way, this needs to be said, so there's no more stalling. You got this!

    Cancer (June 21–July 22):

    The Prediction:

    Oof. You'll stop dealing with someone’s games in April. The pages represent immaturity when they come up in reverse, and the page of wands specifically represents “player” energy. If someone has been deceitful or playing games, things may come to a head this month. 

    It may be painful, but being honest with yourself about this situation will free you from it. Most of you already know the truth but have been having a hard time breaking cycles. Allow clarity to wash over you this month and help you find the strength to move forward.

    Leo (July 23–Aug. 22):

    The Prediction:

    The 10 of cups usually represents the ultimate emotional fulfillment in love and your ideal outcome. In reverse, though, it’s saying that you know what you want, but you’re having trouble getting there. 

    You may feel a little sad this month because you feel stuck or you can’t find clarity on why things “never work out” — but stay strong Leo. It won’t be long before your hope is restored. Use this time as an opportunity for further reflection and clear space for your epic love. It’ll happen for you.

    Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22):

    The Prediction:

    This card usually indicates a relationship when it comes up in a love spread. For most of you, I’d say there’s a good chance you’re already in an established relationship with someone (it could even be a marriage). Since the card wavered when it came out, some of you could be re-evaluating if you want to stay in this situation or not. 

    A few of you are starting to feel unappreciated or unseen, and you’re wondering if you’re wasting your time. There are some who are very giving to this situation, but your effort isn’t being returned, and you may even be starting to turn towards other options. 

    Trust your gut, Virgo. Get clear on what you need in order to feel loved and appreciated in your relationships. If you’ve communicated that to them and you're still not getting your needs met, you may want to decide if it’s worth it to stay or not.

    Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22):

    The Prediction:

    This card usually represents a divine union or being in partnership — but in reverse, it could be speaking to a breakup. Something about this relationship has been imbalanced, and it’s about to reach its breaking point. 

    The same issues could have been repeated over and over again, building up to this moment. This card will resonate with you more if you are involved with a Virgo or have Virgo placements in your own birth chart.

    Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21):

    The Prediction:

    The empress represents the ultimate empowerment and feeling a sense of self-mastery in all aspects of life. With this being your love energy this month, you'll be feeling confident and in harmonious bliss. There’s a sense of flow and surrender with this, too. 

    Whether you’re dating or just lovin’ on yourself this month, you'll be perfectly content with the way things are coming together for you. This could also be an indication that you feel ready for a significant romantic connection to enter your life. 

    Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21):

    The Prediction:

    This month will be a time of soul searching and wandering for you, Sagittarius. The eight of cups always asks: “What is it you truly want?” The universe wants to show you something about your deeply rooted patterns in love, so trust the experiences you’re being guided into. 

    There could be a crashing realization that shows you exactly what path you want to take. Be patient with this process. 

    Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19):

    The Prediction:

    This card represents working together and collaboration. This card is calling you to release your need to control things or people this month. Some of you could have trouble trusting people or allowing room for them (or yourself) to make mistakes.

    No one is perfect. Being open and honest about your feelings or fear of being hurt/abandoned could be really helpful to you in this situation. 

    Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18):

    The Prediction:

    Don’t stand in your own way this month! The nine of swords asks you to stop overthinking and try not to get trapped in your fears. Some of you could be struggling with self-sabotage when things are going too well. 

    You could have been betrayed in the past, but try not to let that prevent you from being open to love. This situation is challenging you to surrender your expectations (good or bad) and enjoy the present.

    Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20):

    The Prediction:

    Aces always represent the start of a new cycle, but the ace of pentacles in a love reading specifically represents a solid offer of love. Pentacles represent earth energy, which is known to be grounded and practical. 

    So this could mean a gift or a token of someone’s love, establishing an official title with your partner, or even an engagement. This month, you will feel so secure and appreciated, which is exactly what you deserve.

    Would you like to see more tarot-related stories? What resonated with you most from these pulled cards? Tell us in the comments below.