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    Breaking The Norm With Regard To Encouragement Of Dreams

    Dream with your mind open - A dreamy practical thought.

    Everyone encourages dreaming and that one should work hard to make those dreams come true. But we should try to set in some practicality as well. Dreams are expectations coloured with imagination and wound with care. They are filled with the heart's happiness and beauty of the unexpected being so realistic. But I have learnt through harsh experiences that at times one should NOT DREAM..... or at least not have any unrealistic expectations. When one builds that world of dreams with so much thought and reckless emotions it makes a special place in your life. The hard part comes when one word, sentence or thought shatters the entire existence of that fairy tale into pieces. You are left in complete doubt, confused about which are the pieces of this devastated world that you want to keep and which are those that you need to leave. With a wounded soul and a broken heart you don't know how many injuries you can bear on your hands while picking up those shattered pieces. There are no boundaries to dreaming, but it's time we all learn to set some. If one wishes to live without losses of pieces of our souls, then thinking a little more practically helps a lot. Innocent dreams do harm to such an extent that nothing hurts more than their existence not coming to life. Yes my dear, you may dream, but sprinkle a little practical thought onto that delicious cupcake baked to perfection with a happy ending frosting.Regards,QPoetic