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The Current State of the Internet: Summing Up 2010 [PIC]

In the last year the internet has grown to massive proportions for example in 2010 107 Trillion emails were sent, 89% of which were SPAM. Check out the rest below

paul ogle 13 years ago

Awkward Holiday Parties (Pics)

Despite being toned down amid a shaky economy, vulnerable to sexual harassment cases, and sobered by the dangers of drunk driving, nearly 79% of companies are still having their annual holiday party. When hard alcohol used to flow on the house, and people would really party hard, these parties used to be the breeding ground for potential embarrassments and possibly worse.

paul ogle 13 years ago

Delusional, Tacky and Weird Coffee Mugs (Pics)

There are many benefits to having your own coffee mug at work. Your days will get infinitely more interesting as you become known around the water cooler as the, "cool coffee mug guy/gal". Your peers will be ecstatic you tell them you found a new mug with an even wittier saying than the last one. Unable to control themselves, they will stop by your cubicle to comment.

paul ogle 13 years ago

Soul Crushing Cubicles (Pics)

Across the globe it is fascinating to observe the acceptable working conditions that employees do their best not to complain about. With a majority of full and part-time workers working in cubicles, the International Facility Management Association states that 50 percent of workers say their bathroom is larger than their cubicle at work.

paul ogle 13 years ago

The Automated Workforce: Robots On the Rise

With an expected 1.2 million robots in 2013, the age of the automated workplace is at our front door. However, these are not the music-loving, Wall-E robots. These automated machines are coming for our jobs, and possibly us.

paul ogle 13 years ago

The Starcraft Economy (Infographic)

Since its launch in 1998, StarCraft has sold an astonishing 11 million units. With the much anticipated arrival of StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty, the sequel to StarCraft, approaching we look at the successful history of the StarCraft franchise.

paul ogle 13 years ago


HTML5 is the next major revision of HTML and will be used for many new functions that will benefit web developers and Internet users alike.

paul ogle 13 years ago

College? Pshh ... 12 Wildly Successful Dropouts

Although it is an important tool, college is not essential to pursuing success and making all of one's dreams come true -- and there's proof of that

paul ogle 13 years ago

11 of the Best Paying College Degrees

A college degree is essential for many of the high-paying careers in America, and, whether we like it or not, having money is extremely important to living a comfortable life. A nice house, supporting a family, and securing a happy future in retirement all depends on obtaining enough money to do so.

paul ogle 13 years ago

12 Awesome Web Comics To Get You Through The Workday

It's no secret that cubicle life can be pretty boring at times. Between water cooler conversations, memos and endless meetings, more than a few office employees spend the bulk of their work days counting down the hours. Much like Peter in Office Space

paul ogle 14 years ago

Mailing It In: 15 Ways to Fly Under the Radar Yet Still Get Promoted

There are many ways to safely dodge work, even if for a short time, that can be pulled off easily by just about anyone. These 15 methods of faking work aren't just easy, they can apply to just about everyone -- from the worker in the cube-farm to the telecommuting pajama-exec.

paul ogle 14 years ago

Is Your Boss Younger Than You?

A recent survey of people who work for younger bosses shows that the older a worker is, the less likely age difference is to be a problem.

paul ogle 14 years ago

10 Hilarious Viruses, Trojans and Worms

Virus, Trojan, Worm – the very words conjure up crossbones and skulls, the symbol of danger. These malicious programs are the scourge of the Internet, the proof that every innovative and useful technology has an equivalent downside – one that has the most adverse consequences at times.

paul ogle 14 years ago

Drop Out: Proof M.B.A.s Are Overrated, by 20 People Who Are Smarter and Richer Than Your Professors

BusinessWeek reports that fewer than one of three executives who reach upper- echelon positions hold an M.B.A. Before the decision is made to choose the right college and to spend significant money and effort on earning an M.B.A., consider what these successful and intelligent players in the business world have to say about getting a business degree.

paul ogle 14 years ago

12 Geeks That Sold You Sh!t

But recent years have seen the emergence of a new phenomenon -- the geek spokesperson. Unpretentious, disarming and slightly awkward, geeks have the ability to penetrate our usual defenses against being pitched or preached to. As a result, brands and causes are increasingly seeking the support of such people. Below, we'll profile 12 geeky spokespeople who have spoken out for various products and movements in the last several years.

paul ogle 14 years ago


Who needs trucknutz when you can have a carstache?

paul ogle 14 years ago

The Internet Is Serious Business: 13 Internet Memes That Make Money

From Leave Britney Alone to Billy Mays, memes on the Internet have served as more than just entertainment for compulsive e-mail forwarders, they have influenced and created business opportunities both online and off and given existing businesses a boost. Anytime you stumble upon a LOLcat or rickroll a friend, you are participating in phenomenons that have not only reached millions of people, but have helped make celebrities out of regular people. Memes provide us with comfort in knowing that anyone, anywhere can reach the masses at any given moment. In some cases Internet memes have led to big business, while in others opportunities vanished as soon as the next meme came along.

paul ogle 14 years ago

Infoporn: the Best Jobs in America

The recession brought a tremendous rise in the unemployment rate in America and many people are having trouble finding employment. However, there are many jobs to be had -- and not just any jobs, some of the best companies in America are hiring. Depending on your skillset, degree and what you want from a job, some of the best jobs in the country may be on your career path.

paul ogle 14 years ago