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    10 Reasons You Should Be Grateful For Social Media This Thanksgiving.

    Because life without a social share or a Facebook Like, would be just plain boring.

    1. 140 characters became the quickest way to keep you updated

    2. You know who your real friends are.

    3. Nail Art and Selfies never looked this good

    4. An entire conversation can now be distilled into one single GIF

    5. We were introduced to the wonders of Twerking, Planking and Pottering

    6. The quickest way to find what is trending comes with ‘#

    7. Pinboarding became a great way to spend a lazy afternoon

    8. All of the world’s music. Right at your fingertips

    9. Staying in touch with your friends has never been easier

    10. Cat Videos. 'nuff said.

    View this video on YouTube / Via

    Do we really need to explain why we’re thankful for these? Nope. Didn’t think so.