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Here's How People Have Been Making Their Goals A Reality In 2021

People across the world have tackled immense challenges since the start of the pandemic, but Project Management Institute wants to celebrate and support those who continued to turn their ideas into reality.

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us how they are making their goals a reality — even in 2021. Here are some of our favorite responses:

I have always been a bit afraid of trying new things, but losing some of the things I previously used to fill up my life has helped to push me out of my comfort zone. My goal during the pandemic was to pursue hobbies and passion projects now that I have more time on my hands. Over the past year, I have started a fundraising project that raised over $3,000, began growing my own food in my garden, taken surf lessons, and am volunteering with an organization that helps formerly incarcerated people with job training. —Kemi A.

Because of the pandemic, I suddenly have all this free time to reconnect with my passion of reading, and I'm happy to say I've been reading so much more than I have in 4+ years! I read two different books a week and have even discovered amazing authors to add to my list of favorites. When I leave the library with an armful of books, my heart feels light, and it's the same joy I used to feel as the 14-year-old girl leaving from her trip to the library, teetering from the weight of the novels in her arms.  —Anne F.

Young woman sitting on the grass in park and reading the book

I do stand-up in my free time. Even as the venues reopened, I found it hard to find motivation to write. I work from home full time now, and after sitting at my desk for 8 hours doing "work work", it was hard to convince myself to stay in the same chair another few hours and do "fun work". The solution: keep my work station and where I write separate! Now when I get off work, I take a notebook with me to a park or even just into the bedroom and write there. The act of physically removing myself from my work desk has really helped me develop a better equilibrium between my dual lives. —Tim U.

Last year, I ran my first 10k and am gearing up to do it again in a few weeks. First time around, I finished with a decent amount of struggle. In the past few months, I've been using an app to track my mileage and take photos of all the routes I run. It's so satisfying to see my average pace and distances approve. I also found that a banging playlist of hype anime songs is really the best motivator. When you visualize yourself as the main character, it's 100% easier to make it that extra mile or beat a PR. —Emily C.

Young woman stretching before running outdoors

I've always been a major homebody, and living in New York City for 12 years was a little difficult on me for that reason. My spaces always felt like somewhere I ate occasional meals and slept (which was pretty much true given my work and social life), and I was never at home enough to put time into really making them feel special. During the pandemic, I moved out of the city and also obviously have had FAR more time at home, and I've really been able to put the thought and care and love into making my home feel like home. Goal: Let my inner homebody shine. 2021: Achieved! — Tory H.

2020 hit my mental health hard, so for 2021 my goals were to focus on myself and get back to being happier and healthier. I got a great new job in my field and I've started building my career. I visited my family after not being able to see them in a year and a half, which was badly needed. I've been reading more, listening to more music, and even convinced my boyfriend that we should get a second cat! I feel like myself again and an so happy for it. —Rae M.

Couple with their cat at home

I am in law school in CA, but will be moving to NY with my fiancé next May. To that end, I have been working hard applying to jobs in the NY market, focusing on the New York Law Exam, and the New York State Bar. This has been an overwhelming process, as I am balancing my current coursework, applications, sanity, and other studies all at once. But I know it is all worthwhile! So far I've had three interviews from three different employers, and I'm feeling very hopeful! — Michael B.

Working from home during the pandemic in 2020, I realized I needed to shake things up. My goal was to find a new place to live, but I didn't know where to start. So in January 2021 I packed up my stuff and I started a cross-country roadtrip with my dog, and saw 16 different states and 10+ national parks. I visited Chicago for the first time and realized this is where I wanted to move to! I made it official and moved here in September and couldn't be happier. Sometimes all you gotta do is decide what you DON'T want, and then eventually you'll set a goal for what you DO want. —Caitlin C.

A dog and cats sit in a car packed with things

In the previous year I spent an obscene amount of money on takeout food, which is all too easy to do in NYC. (Double that when you live solo and no one is around to judge you for ordering dinner four nights in a row.) So I decided to shame myself a little bit by printing out a meme of someone staring down with a judging glance and put the total amount of money I spent on takeout the previous year (as far as what I could tell from looking at my past CC statements). Now the meme judgingly looks at me down from a printout on my fridge AND on the kitchen cabinet directly above my stove. And you know what? It's helped! I'm still ordering occasionally but try to prioritize eating outside food ACTUALLY outside of my home by sitting down somewhere that's not my apartment to enjoy a meal. —Elizabeth L.

One of my goals for a long time was to cook more at home, and I did A LOT of that in 2021. I've been experimenting in the kitchen with things I've never cooked before like spam musubi, raspberry jam from scratch, and even homemade pasta. One of my biggest cooking accomplishments were cupcakes with frosting flowers! Cooking at home has become a great creative outlet for me...and saving money on restaurant bills is always plus! —Alexandra S.

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