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    The Highs, Lows And Everything You Feel In Between While Anticipating A New Britney Spears Album.

    Did you catch the 2001-era reference in the title?

    High: You hear that Britney has a new album on the way.

    Low: Will.I.Am is producing it.

    High: Britney says it will have a more urban sound.

    High: Britney says it will be her most personal album yet.

    High: Work Bitch is released.

    Somewhere in between high and low: Britney announces her Las Vegas residency.

    High: The video for Work Bitch is released and IT IS EVERYTHING.

    Low: There are no promotional performances either for Las Vegas or for her 8th album.

    High: Britney reveals the title of her 8th album to be Britney Jean.

    Low: Britney says that Work Bitch is a song for her gay fans and that 'bitch' is a term of endearment for them.

    High-larious: Britney tells Alan Carr that she loves it when British people 'use their accents'.

    High: Britney reveals that her second single, Perfume, will be out on November 5th.

    Whatever: Britney does a Twitter Q&A and manages to not reveal any new information about the album or the Las Vegas residency.

    High: It's Britney, Witch!

    High: The December 3rd release date of Britney Jean is not so far away.

    Low: The December 3rd release date is SO FAR AWAY.