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    LISTEN: Shocking Admission Of Climate Change Denial From PR Flack

    Wow! Usually we never get to hear global warming deniers be this honest!

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    Finally, the smoking gun admission from coal industry executives we always figured they said in private, but never get to hear.

    This recording is of Lauri Hennessey, a coal industry consultant at a large public relations firm named Edelman, speaking with Matt Ferguson, an executive from Arch coal, one of the largest U.S. coal mining companies. Ms. Hennessey and Mr. Ferguson were caught joking about when and when not to deny global warming during Hennessey's political work for coal companies. Ms. Hennessey was lobbying the public to support coal exports in the Pacific Northwest. Here's the text of the most shocking segment:

    "And one day I was quoted in the paper, because again I was speaking to the audience in Seattle, and I was like, "Well of course we're concerned about climate change. Everyone's concerned about climate change. But what we're saying is this is not going to contribute to climate change.

    "But someone from Peabody got on a call, it was my second week on the job, and said, "You were quoted saying coal’s worried about climate change? We don't believe in climate change!” And I remember I was on the phone and I was like, "I can't say that..ha. I can't say that in Seattle! [laughter]"

    Ironic: Hennessey herself has said, “Nothing, and that means nothing, kills a PR career quicker than lying.”

    Well then, Ms. Hennessey, when will can we expect the funeral of your contract with the so-called "Alliance for Northwest Jobs & Exports?"