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10 Tricks For Creating The Ultimate Easter Brunch

The brunch of all brunches! Impress your family with a dish to complement the most important meal of Easter with Pillsbury Bacon, Egg and Cheese Brunch Ring!

1. Up your folding skills a notch in the cutest way possible with an easy bunny-shaped napkin!

2. Or give your napkin bundles that "freshly picked from the vegetable garden" look.

3. Give your Easter cookie cutters a second life by making classy (yet colorful) place settings!

4. Or serve some carrots that everyone will enjoy with carrot candy boxes!

5. Keep the kids entertained before (or during) the meal with DIY egg-shaped crayons.

These crayons + butcher paper = busy kids for hours!

6. Let your family know they're about to have the brunch of a lifetime by welcoming them with an Easter banner.

7. Have your kids help create easy paper chain bunnies to hang or set around the table!

8. Display easy pom-pom chicks to keep your family company during the meal.

You can hang them over the table or hide them around the room. Learn how to make these little creatures here.

9. And invite some fun, kid-friendly party gifts to keep your kids company during the meal!

Simple paper ornaments or origami are just what these little bunnies ordered!

10. End your perfect brunch with coffee and the cutest sugar cubes anyone has ever laid eyes on.

But the best part of any brunch? THE FOOD! Prepare a fabulous (and easy) Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Brunch Ring that will definitely complete your amazing Easter brunch!