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    Have You Ever Gotten Salmonella Poisoning From Eating Batter??

    I've literally never heard of someone getting sick from eating delicious cake or brownie batter (is it just me or is batter a weird word??).

    I, like I'm sure many others love the art of baking brownies, cookies, or cake. Mostly becuase I like the end product, but I love baking as well. Whether you love baking or love when others bake for you, I'm sure you've been confronted with this problem; to eat the batter or to not eat the batter.

    Countless times have adults discouraged me from taking a spoonful of cake batter or a little ball of cookie dough. These adults warned me that eating dough or batter would lead to salmonella poisoning. I don't doubt that there is a possibility of this, but still I wonder; has anyone ever been on the receiving end of salmonella poisoning by brownie batter?

    So what do you think? Is salmonella poisoning a myth or a harsh reality?? Until I find out I am going to continue eating straight up cookie dough.