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    2016 GOP Campaign Logos: What Do They Mean?

    Presidential campaign logos say a lot about a candidate’s brand and also help with name recognition. But, with the 2016 GOP field so large, which logos stand out the most?

    Jeb Bush (Former Florida Governor)

    Ben Carson (Neurosurgeon)

    Chris Christie (New Jersey Governor)

    Ted Cruz (Texas Senator)

    Carly Fiorina (Former HP CEO)

    Jim Gilmore (Former Virginia Governor)

    Lindsey Graham (South Carolina Senator)

    Mike Huckabee (Former Arkansas Governor)

    Bobby Jindal (Louisiana Governor)

    John Kasich (Ohio Governor)

    George Pataki (Former New York Governor)

    Rand Paul (Kentucky Senator)

    Rick Perry (Former Texas Governor)

    Marco Rubio (Florida Senator)

    Rick Santorum (Former Pennsylvania Senator)

    Donald Trump (Businessman)

    Scott Walker (Wisconsin Governor)