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    How To Create A Sucessful VLOG

    Creating a successful vlog on the large world-wide-web

    Creating a successful vlog on the large world-wide-web is a process that takes time and dedication. It's not as simple as turning on your phone and hitting "record" or recording a video with your camera and posting it. There are things you need to do to gain popularity and a following along with keeping interest in your content. Follow these tips when you begin to vlog for better chances of success.

    Focus on Quality

    The quality of your video is important. No one wants to watch grainy or pixelated video or have to turn their speakers up all the way to hear what you're saying. Use the highest quality if you're limited to using your phone for video, but if you really want to make a successful vlog it would be worth the investment to buy a proper video camera. Increased resolution makes your videos look more professional. Film in an area with lots of natural light and adjust the angles to eliminate glare or odd color effects.

    Create a Brand

    Make a name for yourself to let users remember who you are and what you vlog about. Don't leave your video bland and defaulted. Insert personality into your introduction and vlog page to garner interest from users, especially those that are just passing by. Your brand needs to spread across multiple social networks, so don't forget to create accounts on sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to increase the popularity of your vlog. Shoot your vlogs in the same recognizable location that lets watchers know it's you, perhaps even putting up a banner and utilizing a hashtag to bring it all together.

    Don't just link, engage

    Engage and interact with your viewers. Viewers like to know that you read the comments and appreciate receiving them. If you never respond to them or acknowledge that their support is necessary for your success, they won't want to continue to watch you. Reply to as many comments as you can or offer ask and answer videos where users can post their questions which you can answer in a dedicated video. Improve the experience by utilizing the services of one of the many closed captioning companies to make your videos available to all viewers, even those who can't listen to it at the time.

    Create a schedule (and stick to it)

    Decide on a schedule for how often you want to vlog. If you're really dedicated you might want to offer daily vlogs, but a more realistic approach is to establish a schedule you know you can adhere to. Viewers will be disappointed if they expect to see a new video from you and you fail to publish it on time or even at all. New content keeps viewer interest. Keep in mind that you aren't going to just be able to upload your vlog without taking the time to edit it for errors, awkward pauses or the occasional random tidbit you need to throw in. Good content requires regular review and editing to stay fresh and keep viewers coming back.

    Optimize your Vlog

    Make your videos search-engine friendly to get new viewers looking for videos related to your topic. Use appropriate titles and keywords in the description to describe what the vlog is about. If someone is looking for content on a topic, they're not going to want to sift through non-relevant material. Tag videos with keywords that aren't just what your vlog is about, but also topics that are closely related that might attract new viewers.

    Tell your viewers what you want them to do. Ask them to subscribe, rate your vlog or visit your profiles on other social media websites. Encourage them to leave a comment or view other vlogs similar to yours through a collaboration for maximum exposure.