27 Photos That Are More Nerve-Racking Than They Have Any Right To Be

    Nooooot a fan.

    1. First of all, how nervous does this hotel room make you?

    2. Now, can you imagine how much dry-heaving you'd be doing if those were your keys?

    3. Just...just look at this table. 'Cause I kind of can't.

    4. And this picture just makes me want to never get up from my safe and good desk chair:


    6. This is sort of why I'm skeptical of teamwork:

    7. And this? This my friends, is how you get banned from wearing socks:

    8. This just seems like a disaster movie waiting to happen...

    9. And I'm almost positive I've seen this in my nightmares:

    10. This is the clearest sign from God I've ever seen to take the stairs:

    11. And this is just some overly trusting tomfoolery, okay??

    12. This has got to be the most rich person move I've ever seen in my life:

    13. And omg, can you IMAGINE being even slightly drunk and dealing with this bathroom:

    14. Why does this make me feel that scary, subconscious impulse to jump in?

    15. And why do I secretly want to try this?

    16. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD, someone, please save that cat!!

    17. Okay, this just made me fully wince.

    18. This almost seems...indecent.

    19. And this is a clear case of inviting chaos into your life:

    20. Anyone who's ever been rock climbing will get serious heart palpitations from this:

    21. Meanwhile, anyone who's ever used, ya know, basic infrastructure, will haaaaate this:

    22. This is some bullshit better left for a Salvador Dali painting and not reality:

    23. Meanwhile, this takes the cake for Most Shudder-Inducing Comforter Ever:

    24. Who does this!!

    25. Or this???

    26. Who would tempt the fates like this?

    27. And finally, I'm just going to leave you with this while I attend to my skyrocketing blood pressure.

    This post was translated from German.