Here Are 20 Photos That Will Make You Say "Wow"

    What a world, you guys.

    1. First, can you see that little black spot in the upper left corner here? That's Mercury moving around the Sun.

    2. And FYI: the Pacific Ocean is actually **this** huge.

    3. And this is actually how fast the airplanes fly:

    4. When the waves from perpendicular directions come across each other, this is what happens:

    5. Also, this is what a wave looks like from the inside:

    6. And here is what a turtle looks like from the inside, FWIW:

    7. This is what wood looks like under an electron microscope:

    8. And let's be honest, have you ever actually seen a ladybug unfold its wings?

    9. Or how an archerfish catches its prey?

    10. Fun fact: ostracods are tiny crustaceans that produce luminescent chemicals to make other fish visible for bigger predators. This is why fishies like this one spit 'em out afterward.

    11. Some owls have unusually long legs:

    12. And, while we're on the subject of legs, here's what a really bad leg cramp looks like:

    13. This is a Night Sky Petunia, which is clearly the perfect name for it.

    14. Now, look at how this guy's flannel changes color under different lights:

    15. If you've ever wondered about how hair seems to fly around so naturally in those shampoo commercials, here's one possible explanation:

    16. This is a tree that is getting burned from the inside out:

    17. Here's a walrus that fell asleep on top of a submarine:

    18. And here is a snowflake melting in slow-mo:

    19. Believe it or not, this is just one picture:

    20. And finally, so is this one:

    This post was originally translated from German.