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16 People Who Don't Give A Shit About The Rules

Fuck the system, amirite??

1. This person wouldn't let society dictate which bag of flour they could buy:

2. And this person gives no fucks about where they're hanging their bike:

3. This athlete doesn't give a flyin' fuuuuck if this is confusing for you:

4. And this motorcyclist doesn't care where you think they should park:

5. This person refuses to let the signs tell them what to do:

6. And this driver is fully, like, ~deal it it, people~.

7. These tourists don't care what city they're in right now. They LOVE Berlin and Berlin alone.

8. And this person refused to let a bowl tell them what to eat:

9. This person isn't here for your suggested slice sizes:

10. And seriously, this person does NOT have time for you and your fancy-schmancy expectations:

11. This person isn't remotely bothered that the bridge isn't working right now:

12. And this rebel is clearly going to do whatever the hell they want:

13. This person wants us all to ~stick it~ to the Capri Sun overlords:

14. And this person was like, SO WHAT if I build a chimney there???

15. This limo driver is not here to play today:

16. And finally, all of these drivers don't give a shit what you think:

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This post was translated from German.