41 Mind-Boggling Predictions Of Things That Will Happen In The Next 7 Billion Years

    Apparently, we'll have a mini Ice Age from 2030 to 2036??

    1. In 2020, robotic exoskeletons allowing seniors to move around more easily will come onto the market.

    2. Also in 2020: More people on earth will own a mobile phone than there are people with access to electricity.

    3. More 2020 things to come: The Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia will become the tallest building in the world.

    4. In 2021, the U.S. Air Force will equip fighter jets with laser weapons for the first time.

    5. In 2022: ESA (the European Space Agency) and NASA will make a joint effort to alter the orbit of an asteroid for the first time.

    6. Also in 2022: China will send its third space station into Earth's orbit.

    7. Also also in 2022: As part of Mission JUICE, the ESA will launch a probe aiming to explore the largest moons of Jupiter.

    8. In 2024: SpaceX will send the first humans to Mars.

    9. And in 2025, we will brew prescribed medication in our own kitchens.

    10. In 2026, the construction on the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona — which was originally begun in1882 — will be completed.

    11. Also in 2026: The experimental fusion reactor that ITER (an international nuclear fusion research mega-project) built in France will be activated for the first time. It will aim to explore the possibility of a practically inexhaustible source of energy.

    12. In the year 2027: Insect-like robots will be used to pollinate plants.

    13. And in 2030, Japanese scientists will drill into Earth's mantle to take samples for the first tim.

    14. In the year 2030: SpaceX plans to build the first city on Mars.

    15. And between 2030 to 2036, the sun's activity will drop by 60%, and Earth will live through a cold period comparable to a tiny ice age.

    16. In the year 2030: ESA's JUICE probe will reach Jupiter and its moons.

    17. In 2038, NASA will send a submarine to Jupiter's moon Titan to search for life in a sea of methane.

    18. In 2038: The FIFA world cup trophy will be rotated out because there will be no more space for new winner's names on its bottom.

    19. In 2040, satellites will collect solar power right in orbit and send it to Earth.

    20. Around 2049, the site of the nuclear catastrophe of Fukushima will be cleared.

    21. In the 2050s, the Red Sea will dry out.

    22. In 2065, a ring of solar cells around Moon will be used to supply Earth with electricity.

    23. In 2070, the first elevator from Earth to Moon will begin operating.

    24. In 2110, construction on the 6,560-foot tall Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid in Tokyo Bay will be completed.

    25. In the year 2160, the first human to live to be 150 years will die.

    26. In 2177, for the first time since its discovery in 1930, Pluto will have completed a full orbit around the sun.

    27. In the year 2999, the 1,000-year-long musical composition "Longplayer" — which has been running in London since January 1, 2001 — will end on December 31st. It will start again on January 1, 3000.

    28. Around 3000 – humans who aren't otherwise manipulated genetically or technologically could be 6.9 feet tall on average.

    29. Around the year 20,000, the abandoned site of the Chernobyl disaster will be habitable for humans again.

    30. By the year 1,000,000: All of today's glass products will have decomposed completely.

    31. Also around then: The Great Pyramid of Giza will be eroded beyond recognition.

    32. Around 7.8 million from now: Humankind will have gone extinct, with a probability of 95%.

    33. Around 50 million from now: Mars' moon Phobos will crash into its parent planet.

    34. In around 100 million years, Earth will likely be hit by an asteroid as big as the one that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

    35. Also by then: The rings of Saturn will have disintegrated completely.

    36. And in the next 180 million years, Earth's rotation will have slowed down so much that one day now is one hour longer.

    37. About 250 million years from now, Earth's continents will combine into one supercontinent.

    38. Around 1.1 billion from now, the sun will swell more and more and grow stronger and stronger. The average temperature on Earth will now be at 47°C (117°F). If anywhere, water can be found only at the somewhat cooler poles.

    39. Around 2.8 billion years out: The average temperature on Earth will reach 149°C (300°F). All life on the planet will be eradicated.

    40. In the next 3.5 to 4.5 billion years, all water on Earth will have vaporized. The temperature on Earth will be 1,130°C (2,066°F) and will cause parts of the stony surface to melt.

    41. Aaaaaand around 7.59 billion years from now, it's the definite end of the road. The sun, by now, will be so enormous that it sucks Earth and the moon out of its orbit towards itself. All life only theoretically still existing will now evaporate before the entire planet crashes into the sun.

    This post was translated from German.