14 Photos That Every Supermarket Employee Has Nightmares About

    Cleanup on aisle 6...and all the other ones, too!

    1. If you've ever worked at a big supermarket, you've probably seen it all...

    2. The horrific spills...

    3. The overwhelmed recycling facilities...

    4. The flimsy crates...

    5. And a few plain old unexplainable epic fails:

    6. You're well acquainted with the laws of gravity...

    7. And just how enormously breakable everything basically is...

    8. And all the co-workers you'll never trust again.

    9. You know that plastic wrap can be your best friend or your worst enemy...

    10. And that usually, it just makes things even more complicated...

    11. You've endured TOO MANY jokes about spilled milk for one lifetime.

    12. And honestly, you can probably SMELL this picture.

    13. In short, stacking stuff on pallets is an art **and** a science...

    14. And should only be handled by the true masters.

    This post was translated from German.