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If You Weren't Already Afraid Of The Open Sea, These 23 Pics Will Do The Trick

Take a deep breath and hold on tight!

1. Fact: Oceans are huge, and thereby scary as hell.

2. Even if you **love** beaches and sailing and all that stuff...

3. You've gotta admit that there's something kind of unnerving about just being out there...

4. In open water...

5. And being surrounded on all sides by just...

6. Water...

7. And more water...

8. And, like...nothing else.

9. You have to confront the idea that at any moment, the tides can literally turn against you...

10. And that even the biggest ships are kind of just like bb toy boats out there...

11. When you're out there, you're basically cut off from the rest of land/humanity...

12. And it's just you and the waves...

13. All alone.

14. By yourself.

15. Plus, let's not forget that oceans are unpredictable AF...

16. Out there, the water does **not** play by land rules.

17. You're totally subject to the whims of nature...

18. And it's kind of awesome, in that literal "full of awe" kind of way...

19. But also scary!!

20. Mostly scary.

21. All of a sudden, dry land looks **extremely** underrated, don't you think?

22. Yup, so I think our plans this summer involve staying securely on land...

23. And not leaving, like, maybe ever??

This post was translated from German.