28 Photos That Will Prove Whether Or Not You Have Vertigo

    Approximately 5% of the world's population suffers from acute vertigo. Are you one of them?

    1. Do you suffer from vertigo?

    2. Do photos like this one upset you?

    3. Do you feel a strange prickling in your chest when you look at this photo?

    4. Or an indescribable dizziness?

    5. The arms on the statue "Christ the Redeemer" look enormous when seen from the ground, but when you're way up there, they're not so big after all.

    6. Are you absolutely sure that catwalk can support all of those people?

    7. What in the world would make anyone want to earn a living like this?

    8. I am positive that there are safer ways to clean a window.

    9. Congratulations on making it this far into the post, but let's keep going, just to make sure.

    10. Not many people could make it this far into a vertigo test.

    11. Take a break and spend a moment looking at something a little more relaxing. Like this bike trip through the countryside.

    12. How about a little stroll?

    13. Sure. Seems safe enough...

    14. ...as long as you have a good grip.

    15. Hey everyone! Here's a thought: STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF.

    16. Be careful when you leave. There's a bit of a drop.

    17. So soothing.

    18. Actually, I'll just hold it.

    19. They say that 5% of the world population suffer from acute vertigo. This guy is definitely not one of those people.

    20. People with vertigo report dizziness in situations like the one this guy finds himself in.

    21. Maybe you know it by it's technical name: "Acrophobia."

    22. Sufferers may feel like the whole world has started spinning, and that they're about to plunge into an abyss.

    23. The world begins to feel like it's shaking...

    24. ...even if you've got both feet firmly planted on the... ground.

    25. If any of these photo triggered those reactions for you, chances are you suffer from acrophobia.

    26. And at least you found out before you were in this guy's position.

    27. Okay! That's enough photos! Let's get down from here... very slowly.

    28. Let's just hope we make it down in one piece. Fingers crossed!

    This article was originally written in German.