

Depends on if you want the authorized or unauthorized biography. In the unauthorized version (which let's face it is usually mostly fictions right?) I'm deleriousy happy - I've gotten everything I've ever wanted out of life, I'm doing what I love and I'm surrounded by the people I love. I'm the life & soul of the party & nothing's ever the same when I'm not around. My obituary will read "She lead the fullest, most content life, never wanted for anything and will be missed by everyone". That's the unauthorized version though. Trust me when I tell you that the authorized one (the true one) is nothing like that, and leave it at that. Because honestly the truth sucks and I neither like pitty nor putting my life out there for everyone to judge. Hopefully there's some truth there in the unauthorized version - I do do a job I love, and at one time I was surrounded by amazing people who I loved with all my heart & still do. But life never works out the way you want it too, so maybe it's best to be able to write your own story instead. I think so anyway.

Jun 2011
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