

I like tattoos and piercings...I have 11 tats and 9 piercings. I'm quite and keep to myself most of the time. Im the "evil" twin between my twin sister and I. I'm married to the most awesomest man in the world( thank you myspace!! lol) I LOVE YOU SEAN!!! I have a pretty open mind about everything, very easy going. Im a tough cookie...I dont let things show on the outside too often and tend to let things bottle up. Treat me like crap and I tend to keep a grudge, I don't forget and most of the time don't forgive if you've wronged me. I have a blood clotting disorder called Factor V (5) Leiden. I have to take aspirin everyday. It murdered 2 of the 3 babies my husband and I loved and wanted so badly. I survived a tubal pregnancy which ruptured and almost killed me. I can't stand hearing people complain about their kids or not want them. I am a big animal person. I love animals and hope to work in a vet's office and use my veterinary assistant knowledge one day.

Jul 2010
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