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There's A Reason You Don't See Butterflies Anymore And Here's What You Can Do About It

You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

If you're wondering what happened to all the butterflies, you're not imagining things.

The sheer number of butterflies are on a major decline, and that's probably why this beautiful creature that was once annoyingly common is now an exceedingly rare sight to be seen.

1. Plant lots of milkweed.

Hot tip: A site called will give you free milkweed seeds if you send them a self-addressed stamped envelope.

2. Plant a variety of native species of plants and flowers to get more kinds of butterflies to visit.

Here's a handy chart of what plants and flowers attract which species.

3. Feed the butterflies by making butterfly nectar.

Here are a few alternatives for butterfly nectar and mash as well.

4. Soak sponges (remember that they love bright colors!) in nectar in a shallow dish to create a butterfly feeder.

5. Glass stones in a shallow dish make for a pretty and simple butterfly and bee waterer.

6. Make a butterfly-attracting fruit feeder.

7. Put some large rocks in your garden in sunny spots for butterflies to bask on — they absorb heat from the sun and help raise their body temperature for flight.

8. Make a butterfly salt lick, which are particularly attractive to male butterflies.

With just a little extra effort, you can now bring on the butterflies in your own garden or yard.