13 Life Skills You Have By Accident Because Of Art School

    You've developed some skills outside of your major.

    1. You are a wordsmith.

    2. You have a great deal of patience.

    3. You’re basically immune to nudity.

    4. It’s hard to get under your skin.

    5. You’re basically museum guide for your friends.

    6. You have a profound appreciation for all things tangible.

    7. You have an extremely steady hand.

    8. You’re great at time management.

    9. But, you can still operate on very little sleep if you had to.

    10. You have a great sense of style.

    11. You have a high tolerance for “different."

    12. You’re great at explaining how and why you don’t like something.

    13. Finally, you've learned to trust your gut and follow your passion.