15 Things Anyone Who Has Watched "Zoboomafoo" Will Feel


    1. Jumping like a lemur whenever you heard that classic theme song.

    2. Seeing all the animals that the Kratt Brothers would hang out with and wishing you could take them home.

    3. Never quite being able to guess which animal it was before the ending of the "Who Could It Be?" song.

    4. Waiting to hear Zoboomafoo's corny but cute jokes about animals.

    5. Also, waiting to hear Zoboomafoo's stories about his adventures in Zobooland.

    6. Feeling a deep obligation to help the baby Zaboomafooasaurus find his mom.

    7. Growing to love all the creatures in Zobooland even though they initially freaked you out.

    8. Watching and wishing you had a snack machine like the Kratt Brothers.

    9. Watching Zoboomafoo spin around a million times after every snack time and being baffled because he didn't seem dizzy at all.

    10. Being completely engulfed in seeing all the animals that you forgot you were learning so much about them.

    11. Resenting those lucky ass kids that got to meet Zaboo in the flesh.

    12. Not being able to resist dancing when the "Going to the Closet" song came on.

    13. Also, relating to the scene where the Kratt Brothers open their closet and all their belongings fall on them.

    14. Knowing the "Animal Friend Song" by heart and having it stuck in your head all damn day. Then subsequently realizing the show was coming to an end.

    15. And finally, the heartbreak you felt when you heard the news that Jovian, the lemur who played Zoboomafoo died at the age of 20.