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    21 Delightful Gifs From The Blue Jays Regular Season

    For the second year in a row, the Blue Jays are in the postseason. Here's a look back at the highlights of 2016.

    1. Jose Bautista showing off his version of the moonwalk.

    2. Josh Donaldson diving into a fight with the Texas Rangers and exiting unscathed.

    3. The parrot.

    4. John Gibbons showing off his parrot form.

    5. 2016: The year Russell Martin and Roberto Osuna became the most adorable pitcher-catcher combo in baseball.

    6. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    7. Darwin Barney doesn't hit a lot of home runs, but when he did he did it with style.

    8. R.A. Dickey teaching the team a lesson about the importance of cardio.

    9. But what did you really think of that strike call, Edwin?

    10. Bautista making it rain all over the Yankees.

    11. John Gibbons giving the signal for "I need more bourbon."

    12. Staying loose.

    13. Dude, have you ever looked at your bat? I mean really looked at it?

    14. Russell Martin and Ryan Goins showcasing their slightly different celebration styles.

    15. And Devon Travis bringing his.

    16. Michael Saunders inviting us to the gun show.

    17. Kevin Pillar just hangin around.

    18. C'mere Gibby, ya big teddy bear.

    19. Bautista summoning the rain gods after he and Donaldson hit back-to-back home runs.

    20. The boys celebrating a walk-off win.