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    The ABC's Of Growing Up With A Food Allergy

    Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. EpiPen? Oh wait, let me go grab it.


    Benadryl, Benadryl, Benadryl

    Can you eat ______?

    Did you check the ingredients?

    Epi-Pens — The annoying friend that always has to tag along.

    "Food allergies must be soo terrible. I feel soo bad for you." - Everyone that doesn't have any food allergies.

    Geez, I'd trade my food allergy for YOUR food intolerance any day.

    Helicopter-parenting was annoying at first but you've learned to welcome it.

    Invisible: How you've definitely wanted to be before.

    Joking about it makes it easier to deal with.

    Killer Food: A terrible SyFy movie starring YOU.

    Leper Island (aka the allergy table.)

    May Contain become your least favorite two words.

    Never again will a meal at a restaurant be “just a meal” until the big “What’s in it?” question is asked.

    “Oh thanks I love these”… (as you turn and throw the food away because you can't eat it.)

    Practice on an orange.

    Quit talking about it when I’m not in the room I can still hear you!

    Random kisses become your parents' new worst nightmare as you get older.


    Trapped: The feeling you get inside your body if you’ve ever had a reaction.

    Umbrella: Your parents were your allergen umbrella growing up.

    Very cautious…is what you are when telling some you’re interested in about your food allergy as they’re eating that food.

    Why the hell weren’t there as many kids with food allergies as there are today when I was little?

    X-Ray Vision: Is how you think you can approach food once you’ve lived with the allergy for awhile.

    You’d actually like my allergen-free food version that’s based on the food you’re eating. Oh wait.

    Zebra: You’ll always stand out like one in a stable of horses…but you’ll be better for it.