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    It's Finally Happening, Toronto Is Getting Their Own YouTube Space

    If you don't know already youtube makes some awesome unique headquaters around the world. Toronto is being added to that list, which means more entertaining Canadian born content on the social media website.

    View this video on YouTube / Via IISuperwomanII

    If you're living in Toronto and want to make it big as a youtuber stop buying that plane ticket right now! There is no longer a need to flock to LA!

    A Youtube space is super important to making sure youtubers keep their creative juices flowing for their subscribers.

    The ones that currently exist help create more than 10,000 videos that had generated more than one billion hits as of March 2015, said spokeswomen Jennifer Kaiser.

    The Toronto Youtube space will generate more local Canadian content and bring together a community, it's also used to hold and attend workshops, use equipment, and so on.

    It's what pushes youtubers to not stick within the confines of lets say their bedroom and start creating on a bigger scale, even collaborate.

    Lauren Riihimaki (LaurDIY), Evan Fong (VanossGaming) and Lilly Singh (IISuperwomanII) just to name a few are all Toronto youtubers who have gained up to over a million subscribers.

    That list can only get bigger with support like this from Youtube.