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Your Post-Grad Job Hunt As Explained By "Star Wars"

May the force of a good employer recommendation be with you, young Padawan. Life after college is hard.

So you graduated. Now what?

Sure, you've got a degree now, but so do 500,000 other people this year.

Did you invent facebook in college? No?

Then it turns out nobody cares that you studied abroad or got published that one time or whatever.

Sux bro. Sorry.

You're forced to move home.

And at first it's like WOOOO videogames and pajamas and free fooooood

But then it's like booo here are all these chores and also can you start paying rent

So you send out close to a million resumes and hope that someone actually reads them.

You get one email back. It's automated.

You start hitting up whatever connections you have.

Everyone keeps saying you don't have enough experience.


But you soldier on and churn out those cover letters like it's your sole purpose in life.

Someone notices. You're offered an internship.

I mean, it's unpaid.

And they're working you to the bone.

And your boss is batshit cray.

...But at least it's experience?

You realize pretty quickly you have no idea what you're doing.

Like who ACTUALLY knows how to use Excel!? Doesn't everyone just say that!?

And the other day you accidentally got way too drunk at the company mixer.

And even when you do get something right, nobody seems to notice.

But something you're doing seems to be working.

After all, the other interns are dropping like flies.

But you're somehow still here!

People start endorsing you on Linkedin.

And asking for your advice on projects? What??//?

And then one day you hear those fateful words...

And what's that? Did some say health benefits?

Fuckin' nailed it.

Until then? Hang in there. And...