This Guy Has Impressive But Completely Pointless Skills And People Are Into It

    UK Viner Joe Charman has some skills – what are you going to do about it?

    The man in question is Joe Charman, a comedian and Viner who emerged from the same UK Vine scene that spawned Dapper Laughs, Arron Crascall, and others.

    A combined 12 million people have watched Charman's skills compilation on Facebook and YouTube; for it, he spliced together Vines from the past year.

    Charman said it all started with Vine in May 2014 when he attempted to recreate the "pen behind the ear" trick, popularised by comedian Tim Vine.

    "I saw comedian Tim Vine attempting the trick live on TV," he told BuzzFeed News. "Although it took him multiple attempts, it didn't make the trick any less impressive when he nailed it."

    "That video did really well on Vine about a year ago," he added, "and since then I've made a new skills Vine every so often."

    "It didn't really go viral until I put all the videos into a compilation and shared it on Facebook."

    Various people have tried to emulate Charman's skill Vines, some with more success than others.

    Charman started as an open mic comedian in London and has built up an audience of 130,000 followers on Vine.

    He was the warm-up act on Dapper Laughs' first tour, worked with prominent UK Viner Ben Phillips on commercial Vine projects for big brands, and in March this year was hired by giant UK ad agency AMV BDDO as a full-time "Vineographer".