47 Pictures That Will Make You Want To Move To Auckland

    Everywhere else is just basic.

    1. This is a typical view for many on their commute.

    2. And this is what you get whilst waiting for a train.

    3. You could also catch a ferry from here.

    4. It looks pretty nice lit up at night.

    5. Having an unorthodox cathedral like this makes all the other ones seem so plain.

    6. It's the only one of its kind in the world.

    7. This is an Auckland dessert.

    8. There's a beach in basically every suburb and area.

    9. This one is basically only a suburb over.

    10. The lantern festival gets better every year.

    11. It always draws hundreds of thousands out to see it.

    12. There's a bunch of islands just offshore that are beautiful beyond belief.

    13. This is just a short ferry ride away from the CBD.

    14. Sunset just looks so good on every Auckland horizon.

    15. So does sunrise.

    16. Rangitoto Island is incredibly beautiful when the sun fades behind it.

    17. Ice creams are literal works of art.

    18. Places like this are only walking distance from the CBD.

    19. And this is what our nations rugby team looks like, they do a lot of training around town.

    20. There's a bunch of incredible hills that offer gorgeous views.

    21. The hills are also pretty nice to look at themselves.

    22. And some of them are incredible reminders of the volcanic plateau Auckland sits upon.

    23. The pride parade is a celebration for everyone.

    24. And it unites the town's gay culture with the land's Maori heritage.

    25. The Pride Parade is so well-loved, the Santa parade pays tribute every year!

    26. Auckland's Christmas spirit is unlike anywhere else.

    27. These trees pop up everywhere, and are free for the public to lie under.

    28. In general, Auckland is great at celebrating holidays.

    29. Auckland Anniversary Day is never a disappointement.

    30. The museum is one of the most beautiful buildings in town.

    31. Especially when they light it up at night.

    32. And it's always incredible to head along and watch the projections of old New Zealand film and war footage.

    33. The bars are amazing too!

    34. No matter where you are, you'll always be able to find a great cafe.

    35. And every single one has its own unique atmosphere.

    36. The harbour bridge is an incredible work of art.

    37. And our street art is just as amazing.

    38. In fact, it's probably some of the best in the world.

    39. Though some of it can be unorthodox.

    40. The art gallery is full of bright and bursting colour.

    41. And it takes the art outside of it's walls.

    42. There's also a few beaches that connect different islands during low tide.

    43. Even in high tide, there's enough beach for everyone.

    44. Day or night, it's beautiful.

    45. Rain or shine, it's always breathtaking.

    46. It's pretty hard to move elsewhere after living here.

    47. Can you dig it?

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