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Tell Us The Scariest Thing That Happened When You Turned Down Or Ignored A Guy

"I don't really remember how I managed to escape, but I did." (h/t @_ElizabethMay)

Last month, Twitter user @_ElizabethMay called for women to retweet "if you've have had a frightening response from a man when you've rebuffed, rejected, or otherwise ignored his advances."

Hi ladies! RT if you've have had a frightening response from a man when you've rebuffed, rejected, or otherwise ignored his advances. If you feel comfortable enough to share your experience in the comments, I want to hear you.

What started as one simple tweet snowballed into an avalanche of responses from thousands of brave women willing to share their experiences.

We featured some of those Tweets in a recent BuzzFeed story, which also spread like wildfire, reaching more than 960,000 people. Readers then flooded the comment section with their own stories.

So we're offering readers another opportunity to share their stories for an upcoming BuzzFeed post. Tell us: have YOU or someone you know had a frightening response from a man when you've rebuffed, rejected, or otherwise ignored his advances? If so, what happened? How old were you? And did you tell anyone?