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    20 Travel Products From Target That’ll Make Traveling With Kids Less Hectic

    These essentials will help make your trip with tiny humans a bit more enjoyable.

    1. A set of portable blackout blinds to ensure your vacation rental or hotel room is dark enough for naptime or early sunrises.

    Installing the blackout blinds

    2. A set of infant hearing-protection earmuffs that'll help protect your baby from the loud noises of a new city or a parental conversation on a long drive.

    A happy kiddo with his hearing protection

    3. A portable sound machine to provide a soothing and deep sleep without too many distractions. Kids and parents who are used to sleeping with a sound machine can attest to how difficult it can be to rest in silence when traveling. This portable unit doesn't take up much space and comes with plenty of volume and noise options.

    A small and portable sound machine hanging from a doorknob

    4. A toddler bed rail that'll help prevent your youngster from rolling off the bed during the night (and thus waking you up).

    A travel bed rail will keep your youngster on their bed and hopefully asleep

    5. A weekender duffel bag so helpful for organizing your kiddo's travel essentials. It has a fun dinosaur design, plus multiple compartments that'll fit clothes, personal care items, and small toys.

    Everyone benefits from an organized travel bag

    6. A lightweight, foldable stroller you'll be thankful you bought for your next trip. Sure, this compact stroller may not have all the bells and whistles, but it can be easily crammed into your car that is already overflowing with kids gear.

    A folding stroller is light and easy to pack

    7. A small and compact baby monitor so you can keep an eye on your sleeping kiddos while you're relaxing at your Airbnb. Just set this up in their room and you'll be good to go if you need to cook a meal, read a book, or relax while they're napping.

    The white baby monitor on a table

    8. A sturdy, insulated, and fun water bottle that'll help your tiny humans stay hydrated on the go. These designs are so fun, you might even want one for yourself.

    Child holding a pink water bottle in her hands

    9. An organized diaper bag for parents of babies, toddlers, and kiddos who are potty training. When you are traveling, a stinky diaper can strike at any time. You'll need your changing supplies handy and organized — and appreciate the spacious compartments for diapers and wipes.

    A highly organized bag for diapers, wipes, and a changing pad

    10. An organized and leakproof lunchbox perfect for storing sandwiches, crackers, and sliced fruit. For children (and adults), things can get ugly when hunger strikes. Having some snacks packed and ready to be devoured will benefit everyone.

    Kids eating lunch out of colorful bento boxes

    11. A small and colorful night-light to make your hotel accommodations feel more like home. This will provide a sense of comfort and safety in a dark and unfamiliar hotel room.

    Illuminated colorful night-light plugged into wall outlet

    12. A reasonably sized, travel-friendly set of board books that'll easily fit in a carry-on, suitcase, or car seat pocket. For kids up to 2 years old, it's hard to go wrong with this adorable book set from Eric Carle.

    A series of animal board books that fit nicely into a travel case

    13. A toiletry bag to keep your kids' toothbrushes, soaps, and other bathroom essentials in one place. This one is for the parents who prefer not to stuff their kiddos' toothbrushes into their own toiletry bag.

    A child holding a blue mermaidlike fabric toiletry bag

    14. A sunshade designed to keep the sun out of your child's face on a long drive. Because when your kid falls asleep on a long road trip, everyone in the car is hoping they stay asleep.

    Installing a strech-to-fit sunshade

    15. An easy-to-carry, portable changing station parents swear by for traveling. Let's face it: Airports and train stations don't always have diaper changing stations. This handy solution provides a comfortable and clean place to change diapers when you're on the move.

    A bay in a Skip Hop Pronto Baby Changing Station

    16. A backseat organizer to help control the chaos in your backseat. This bad boy has multiple pockets that can hold a tablet, water bottles, snacks, crayons, and much more.

    A child sitting in a car and enjoying a backseat organizer

    17. A small tablet for screentime on a long flight or car ride. Many parents will tell you there is no limit to screentime on travel days. We agree.

    A child watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on a small black tablet

    18. A pair of wired children's headphones so your tiny humans can rock out to their favorite songs *or* watch TV episodes. Choose a wired option because it's simple and much easier to use on an airplane entertainment system.

    A smiling child wearing purple-and-black wired children's headphones

    19. A Baby Shark coloring book perfect for times when you're waiting at the airport terminal, stuck in traffic, or have some downtime at the hotel. Creatively inclined children will have a blast with this 16-page, shark-themed activity book.

    A Baby Shark–themed coloring book

    20. A bottle of baby-safe, organic hand sanitizer because traveling can be dirty, and the last thing you need is your child picking up a stomach bug on vacation.

    Bottles of the alcohol-free hand sanitizer

    Note: The reviews for this post have been edited for length and/or clarity.