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    Top 4 Ways You're Helping People Rob You

    There are several ways to keep yourself safer in your own home. You may not even realize things you are doing that are helping burglars.

    Obviously, nobody wants to be the victim of a burglary. However, at the same time people often seem to be putting a tremendous amount of effort into essentially asking to be robbed. In particular, there's four things which are an open invitation for robbers which most people do without a second thought.

    Open Windows

    It's always tempting to enjoy a nice breeze. And there's nothing wrong with opening up one's windows to enjoy some fresh air. However, when doing so one should also be very aware of what's going on. It's one thing to have an open window when it's bright out, and there's plenty of friendly neighbors in sight. It's quite another thing to have those windows open in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping. Worse, people often forget to even close the windows when they head out on a vacation.

    Not Warning Children

    Nobody wants to scare their kids, and this often keeps parents from educating them about proper home safety. However, the reality is that by not doing so one is often giving criminals free reign to a household. There's a laudable innocence to childhood. But that innocence can be easily taken advantage of. All it takes is a stranger asking to come inside, or to unlock a door for the unthinkable to happen. Even a child not understanding how important it is to lock the door can be enough to cause a robbery. It's vital that parents have a talk with their children about the basics of home safety.

    Lack Of Alarms

    Alarms are a vital part of protecting one's home. Thieves thrive on the element of surprise. They want to quickly sneak in, and quickly sneak out. In general, they tend to be fairly cowardly and risk averse. If a house is a threat to that quick and silent chain of events, than they'll usually move on to another. And if attention is suddenly focused on a house due to the loud noise, they'll usually run as fast as they can.

    Forgetting To Announce An Alarm

    Obviously, an alarm going off is doing it's job. However, there's another very important aspect to having an alarm. The alarm should serve to scare people away before it's ever triggered in the first place. If one has an alarm system set up, it's important to place notification of that fact on entry points. Again, this plays into the fact that thieves want an easy time of their robbery. Most don't want to even gamble with the chance of an alarm going off. If they see evidence of an alarm, they'll usually move on to the next house. And if they don't, that's when the alarm actually going off should scare them away.

    You can find more tips by visiting this DIY Home Security Guide.