

I am an artist because I find it challenging and fulfilling to continuously make work that I am proud of and that brings enjoyment and provokes thought for others. Working in various media, including paint, fiber, and digital media, gives me a well-rounded approach to my compositions, sculpture and design that allow me to explore these avenues in order to fully express myself. I have also focused a portion of my studies in business courses which allow me to think in a different way about the world and makes me more marketable to companies and firms in addition to my design degree. The two aspects of my education are beneficial to one another, in that the analytical and logical approach to business allows me to think more critically about my art, whereas the creativity and innovation in my artwork gives me a unique perspective in my studies as a business student. I find my inspiration through my surroundings. I observe those around me and their ways of life, and it moves me to create work that is a sort of commentary on the actions of others. Many times this commentary takes its form in oil paintings. Paint is a method of discovery and manipulation that is both freeing and frustrating simultaneously, but the same is true of other art forms. A project is never finished unless I have experienced the highs and lows of creating it. A work must plunge me into the depths of frustration and elevate me into the reverence and excitement of its finish before I can even think about deeming it complete. There is fear in the undertaking, comfort in the ritual, frustration in the difficulties, and happiness in the success. Each finished work holds not only the story of its contents, but also the epic of its creation. The works that inspire me most are those that contain people. Whether those individuals are the subject of the piece or merely a pawn in its composition, they intrigue me and invite me to discover more. The work of Chuck Close, Wayne Thiebaud, Helmut Newton, Philip Pearlstein and James Adams, to name a few, are artists that I find inspiring and influential in my work. They take the human body and expression to places that are infinitely intriguing and wonderous, giving me fuel to the fire of motivation and creativity.

Mar 2011
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