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    Packt celebrates Thanksgiving with a 50% discount on a wide range of products and titles

    Thanksgiving, Packt, eBooks, eLibrary

    Packt Publishing is celebrating Thanksgiving by offering customers discount codes on a range of products across its extensive library of titles. Inspired by George Washington's words at his 1st Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation – 'Thanks… for the means we have of acquiring and diffusing knowledge' – and the importance of sharing at the heart of the holiday, this Thanksgiving the publisher is underlining its belief in the importance of knowledge-sharing and demonstrating its commitment to helping customers put software to work in new ways.

    From Thanksgiving on Thursday 27th November until Wednesday 3rd December, customers will receive a 50% discount on all eBooks and videos by using the code THANKS50. There is no limit to the number of products that can be purchased and customers are invited to mix and match product types to experience different ways of learning. Also included in the offer is subscription to PacktLib, Packt's on-demand subscription service. Customers will be able to purchase a month's subscription at a 50% discount by using THANKSLIB50 at the checkout.

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