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What's Normal In A Mexican Household But Would Confuse Anyone Else?

If it's 101 degrees out, we're making caldo.

Hi, Pablo here. I am many things, and among those things is being Mexican American. Here's a photo of me holding a tamal, for reference.

Me holding a tamal in its husk

Growing up in a home with immigrant Latino parents is a special experience, and there are certain things that I saw and did growing up that were normal to me, but ended up being not-so-normal to friends who didn't also grow up like me.

For example, I didn't realize until later in life that not every family used their oven for pots and pans storage. Pre-heating the oven wasn't just a casual option, I would have to REALLY need it before using it.

when u wanna use the oven but gotta take out all of the pans bc ur mexican af family stores EVERYTHING IN THE DAMN OVEN.

Twitter: @saigeysaige

Or what about the fact that despite not having air conditioning, we ate caldo on what seemed to be the hottest days of the summer.

Mexican moms sticking they hand out the door to see if itโ€™s hot enough to make caldo

Twitter: @WolfOfDallass

It's also always confused some friends that I, a 29-year-old who no longer lives at home, still has to tell my parents where I'm going, who I'm going with, and why I'm going each time I'm back home visiting and need to step out.

Twitter: @OhwowValerie_

These are just a few things that no one other than a fellow Mexican would understand. So I'm curious to know if you have any more examples of things that are normal to us, but would confuse outsiders.

It could be home decor, the way we cook things, things our parents say to us, how we party, etc. Whatever it is, I want to hear all about it so I know I'm not alone in this. Please share them in the comments below, and if you'd prefer to remain fully anonymous, use this Google form. Your submission may appear in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.