18 Photos That Prove Commas Matter, A Lot

    The underdog of punctuation.

    1. This strange hospital visit:

    2. This toilet made for a VERY specific type of person:

    3. This breakup waiting to happen:

    4. This concerning Rachael Ray cover story:

    5. This convo that went from 0 to 100, and then stayed there.

    6. This accidental sext:

    7. This person who seems to be oversharing:

    8. This cannibalistic child:

    9. This smoke-free zone:

    10. This sandwich that tried, but didn't try hard enough:

    11. This baby maker:

    12. This turn of events:

    13. This philosophical urinal:

    14. This car that's sending mixed messages:

    15. This courtesy to human hunters:

    16. This Walgreens with some nICE buns:

    17. This edible grandpa:

    18. And finally, this person who had all the right intentions: