Literally Just 18 Hilarious Tweets About The Cheesecake Factory

    Favorite book: The Cheesecake Factory menu.

    1. When you realize that you're in for an exciting night:

    2. When you audibly moan at the sound of its name:

    3. When it ruins every single one of your relationships:

    4. Or when it actually starts one:

    5. When the menu becomes aspirational:

    6. And when you'll never get tired of reading it:

    7. When you go for the bread alone:

    8. Especially if it's the brown bread:

    9. When you're not about to befriend some rabbit:

    10. When it begins to influence your every day life:

    11. When you pretend calories don't exist:

    12. When you become an expert in navigating the dark:

    13. And when the light finds you when you need it the most:

    14. When the extensive cocktail menu leads to an interesting night:

    15. When you spend more time at Cheesecake than you do at home:

    16. When even your mom can't hide her intentions:

    17. When Drake becomes your new boyfriend goals:

    18. And finally, when cheesecake isn't the only thing you take home: