This Guy Hired A Stranger To Be His Friend And It Somehow Worked Out Well

    "I don't want you sleeping with anyone I'm dating."

    Say hello to Aria. Like most of us, he loves making friends.

    But UNLIKE most of us, he hired somebody off Craigslist to be his BFF:

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    He started this (slightly questionable) journey by posting an ad on Craigslist to determine whether or not money can actually buy friendship.

    And not too long after, a stranger by the name of Ahmed Khater reached out and sought to give him that answer he was looking for.

    Ahmed was obviously super stoked.

    Upon first meeting, Aria laid down the law and made sure Ahmed knew the three very important things he was looking for in a friend.

    The first thing Aria was looking for was loyalty.

    The second was honesty.

    And finally, he wanted someone who can stand up for him.

    In order to determine whether or not Ahmed was truly bestie material, he had to pass these three simple challenges:

    1. Be vulnerable with Aria.

    2. Defend his honor.

    3. Buy him a personalized gift.

    Aria went first, opening up about how his last serious relationship ended.

    Ahmed had some words of wisdom for him.

    And then recalled a story about how he had to tell his mom that he scored low on a very important exam and got rejected from the RA program at his college.

    THEY ACTUALLY CONNECTED. I ship 'em already.

    Aria had staged a scenario where a co-worker would bully him about one of his video ideas with the hope that Ahmed would come to his defense.

    And luckily for him, Ahmed stepped up to the plate.

    He refused to let Aria get ripped to shreds. You tell 'em!

    Get you a friend that looks at you the way Aria looks at Ahmed.

    After a full day of venting and fighting off bullies, Ahmed scoured a nearby store for the perfect gift for Aria.

    And being the great listener that he is, he got Aria something he never knew he even wanted, an elf's hat!

    Aria was SHOOK in best way possible.

    After all was said and done, Aria decided it would be best to grade Ahmed on his efforts just to see if he truly passed the friendship test.

    These were the final results:

    At the end of this very weird journey, it appeared that our protagonists had built a unique bond, which led to Aria inviting Ahmed to a Halloween party that weekend.

    They ended the night by taking some cute pics together.

    And answered the age old question, can money buy friendship?

    Apparently it can. Haha.