17 Pets Who Found Their Forever Homes During This Quarantine

    There's no love like a pet's love.

    As you know, many of us have been (and should be) staying home due to the coronavirus. Because of this, many people have turned to fostering and adopting pets as a way to bring some joy into their lives.

    This has even led some shelters around the country to celebrate, since many are finally adopting out every animal in their shelter for the first time ever.

    “Empty kennels!” Volunteer staff at a Florida kennel cheer in front of empty dog cages as a token of appreciation, after all the dogs were adopted for the first time in history! https://t.co/lBSdLwSuXt

    Here are just some of those furry friends who luckily found their forever homes:

    1. This cat who provides all the cuddles needed during this time:

    2. This dog that can now keep his new corgi sister company:

    3. This cat who has a better home than most of us:

    4. This dog who is too comfy for words:

    5. This cat who will forever be safe now:

    6. This dog who partook in their first mirror selfie:

    7. This cat whose life was quite literally saved:

    Day 18 of quarantine. Adopted a 3 legged cat that was going to be euthanized bc no one wanted her. Welcome to the fam Friday 🥺🖤

    8. This dog who struck gold and gets to live with the one and only Billie Eilish:

    9. This dog who went from foster pup to adopted baby:

    Good news during quarantine: today I officially adopted my little cow! What’s your good news? #fosterfail

    10. This dog who just made all this staying home much less dull:

    THIS IS IMPORTANT. My parents adopted a dog today. Quarantine officially sucks significantly less now.

    11. This dog who we all wish was our assistant:

    @ErinEph We adopted this sweet little girl from the county animal shelter just as everything was shutting down. She’s a great assistant while I work from home now. Her name is Iris. #IristheWonderDog

    12. This dog who was a welcome surprise:

    We weren’t expecting to adopt a dog. The again, we weren’t exactly expecting the coronavirus. So say hello to Pugsley.

    13. This dog who is truly feelin' the love:

    14. These two cats who have the power to bring joy in even the roughest of times:

    It's been quite the 24 hours. 10:30 yesterday: I found out we were approved to adopt two kittens 10:15 this morning: I found out my position with the Worcester Telegram was eliminated. I’ll have further thoughts at some point, but for now this is proof that cats can heal us all

    15. These kittens who are one step closer to becoming fully adopted:

    16. This cat who became a full-blown doctor overnight:

    I forgot to mention that I recently adopted a cat from the Longford shelter and have named him Dr Norman Swan. He goes by Norm or Doctor. He’s very cute but very annoying. He will be an inside cat because I really value my local birbs.

    17. And finally, this dog who luckily stopped bouncing around and found a stable home:

    If you'd like to give a pet a new life like these wonderful people did, find one on Petfinder, Adopt a Pet, or at your local shelter. And remember, getting a pet is a commitment you must be fully ready for, pandemic or not.

    For the latest news, binge-watching suggestions, tips for caring for your mental health, and more, check out all of BuzzFeed's coronavirus coverage.