19 Jokes About Olive Garden, Including, "What's A Super Salad?"

    "Me at one day pregnant: The baby wants Olive Garden."

    1. On love:

    me: where do you want to eat her: olive garden me: i love gardens too but we need to figure out where to eat

    2. On livin' your best life:

    me facetiming my friends from olive garden.

    3. On priorities:

    my mom casually reached into her purse and offered me an Olive Garden breadstick like it was a fuckin TicTac or some shit

    4. On international relations:

    when olive garden doesn't get my order right https://t.co/lL4GAqK7CM

    5. On the name itself:

    Me: “are your olives locally sourced?” The waitress at Olive Garden: Me: “what garden are you getting your olives from?”

    6. On slick guests:

    Me, an Olive Garden server grating cheese: let me know when to stop Guest: Oh ur gonna b here all night! 😆 Me:

    7. On your future child:

    me at 1 day pregnant: the baby wants olive garden

    8. On different experiences:

    me: "I'm falling into a rut. I should eat somewhere different today. Somewhere new." *goes to a different Olive Garden than the one I usually go to*

    9. On puns:

    [Olive Garden] PATRON: there are so many types of pasta WAITER: [required to say this] yes...*clenches teeth* the pastabilities are endless

    10. On pleasure:

    Sex is cool but Olive Garden breadsticks be hitting different

    11. On cheating the system:

    Prison guard: you may now choose your last meal before execution Me: Olive Garden... unlimited breadsticks Prison guard: shit.

    12. On finding a new home:

    13. On entering new worlds:

    I ordered the Olive Garden “Bottomless Salad Bowl,” and it led me to Narnia.

    14. On texting lingo:

    Is your child texting about @olivegarden? Here’s a quick guide to find out: OG: Olive Garden LMAO: love me an olive LOL: lots of lasagna ROFL: ravioli or flavorful linguine BRB: breadsticks rock, bro WTF: where’s the fettuccine STFU: some tiramisu for us

    15. On misunderstandings:

    rock bottom in my life was probably when the waiter at Olive Garden said “soup or salad” and I said “what’s a super salad?”

    16. On finding yourself:

    me after eating 46 breadsticks at olive garden https://t.co/QmW3JpTcTg

    17. On rebranding:

    Went to all of garden earlier and it was amazing 😍

    18. On family:

    Olive Garden says they “treat you like family” but I been here 30 minutes and nobody has told me to shut the fuck up.

    19. And finally, on free wine samples:

    woman working at michaels crafts said i looked familiar so i told her i come in a lot and she said “oh right you walk over from olive garden after free wine samples”