22 Tweets That Prove Liza Koshy Is Just Like Us

    "I wonder if bees ever brag about the number of flowers they've been inside of."

    1. On friendship:

    all women have matching friendship bracelets they're just called hair ties

    2. On attention seeking:

    i purposefully choose to use the broken, loud grocery cart at the store because i crave the attention

    3. On cars:

    i’ve convinced myself that all of the scratches on my car are just stretch marks and she’s just a tiger who earned her stripes

    4. On bees:

    i wonder if bees ever brag about the number of flowers they've been inside of

    5. On expired food:

    the people who introduced croutons, raisins and wine convinced the entire world that it was ok to eat old, expired food. genius.

    6. On superheroes:

    um i just found a spider in my bra. i may or may shoot web from my breasts soon. stay tuned. spiderboob homecoming

    7. On patience:

    all patience is built in airports, traffic and bathroom lines for women

    8. On saving money:

    i just realized how much money i could save on toilet paper if i had a penis

    9. On catfishing:

    every person i meet says how much taller they thought id be... im disappointing everyone and catfishing the internet

    10. On using the bathroom:

    i only get on twitter when i'm on the toilet which is weird because i tweet 3 times a week when i should be tweeting at least 7 times a day

    11. On beauty:

    i've convinced myself that my blackheads are actually cute little freckles. cant tell if i'm a genius or completely lacking personal hygiene

    12. On Macbooks:

    when a macbook error pops up, am i the only person that clicks "report to apple" every time? i feel like they should know they made me cry

    13. On showing up late:

    im late to everything... work, texts, tweets, parties, trends, time, dms, tags, my menstrual cycle, im pregnant, with twins, two girls, help

    14. On doin' squats:

    i did like 3 1/2 squats... which was just enough confidence to put on yoga pants and spank myself in the mirror while crumping viciously

    15. On Stranger Things:

    i twerk viciously to the stranger things intro song

    16. On toilet paper:

    you know you've reached a point of pure laziness when you're using paper towels as toilet paper... for 2 weeks straight my butt hurts

    17. On cyberstalking:

    sunday is the perfect lazy day to lay around and stalk people 143 weeks deep into their lives

    18. On pregnancy:

    happy mother's day to all the ladies who think they are mothers once a month.. today is not for you honey, CONGRATS!

    19. On dogs:

    i just wanna be a dog. im friendly, loyal, i like walks, i eat off the floor, im almost potty trained... im a dog.

    20. On food babies:

    i can't wait to rub my giant belly and know there's a baby growing inside and not just a massive ball of chipotle

    21. On toilet seat covers:

    anybody else walk into a place, find it to be trustworthy and think... "you know what, I'm not gonna use a toilet seat cover here"

    22. On awkward moments:

    my Uber got out of the car to stretch and i thought he was giving me a hug goodbye… i gave him a hug 5 stars just wasn't enough